Welcome Back to Learning!

back to school 2014



I hope you have had a restful summer and are ready for a fabulous year in Second Grade. I am very excited about being your child’s teacher for the new ‘Academic year’ sharing stories, games and learning activities.

In 2nd grade we will have many laughter, lots of fun, develop a love for reading, become excellent writers, learn new and interesting things.

I think you will quickly realize that 2nd grade is a lot different from 1st grade. We will still make learning fun, but there is a lot more reading, writing, math work and more quiet work times.

It is also a wonderful year in which your child will become organized, independent, and responsible. Good homework and study habits will be formed to better prepare your child for a positive education experience.

2nd grade is that magical place to enter in which dreams are achieved and goals accomplished. I have a great group of students in my class and can’t wait for them to challenge me to that next level.

See you all at ‘Orientation’ and also on Wednesday, September 3, 2014 for the start of the new school year.

Love and smiles,