March 27, 2020

Dear Parents,

Woohoo, we made it to Friday.

As I was going through the students’ bible work on the pages of Job, it led me to start studying the book of Job once more. It is a very powerful book, which speaks to patience and the will and strength through God and by our faith in Him to withstand whatever is thrown at us. The verse which speaks to me most is Job 1:12 which reads: The LORD said to Satan, “Very well, then, everything he (Job) has is in your hands, but on the man himself do not lay a finger.” Then Satan went out from the presence of the LORD.

Please sign in to mathletics and complete assigned task, task expires 11:59 pm Saturday March 28.

Please read and complete the book on Epic:

Have a great weekend all.

Dear Parents,

I pray everyone is keeping well during this time. While it is easy to get stressed, a reminder that in the midst of chaos our God is ever present, may we call up on him to give us a mind of peace.

For you have been my refuge, a strong tower against the foe. Psalm 61:3

For Thursday

Literacy – Students will carry out an opinion writing on the topic: Students learn better in a group. Instructions and the response sheet are on Seesaw.


Science – Students will make a prediction, carry out an experiment and conclude if their prediction was correct. Instructions and the response sheet are on seesaw.

Experiment: Make it Rain experiment

Lesson for the week: Lesson – Week March 23-27


March 25, 2020

Dear Parents,

I hope everyone is doing well. I miss my little ones terrible, and look forward to the day when we return to the classroom.

For Wednesday

Sign in to Seesaw, click the link – Students will watch a video on epic, reviewing comparing fractions.


After, students will follow the instructions for two comparing fractions activities on seesaw and complete the tasks. Please follow the steps to respond:

  1. click add response

2. Click edit note

3. Students can use any of the following options.

  • click the pencil symbol at the bottom to draw their answer
  • write their answers on paper at home, click the camera symbol at the left hand side, hold the paper up to the computer camera, then click one of the 3 camera symbols
  • click the plus sign at the top left hand to make the picture bigger
  • click the green tick to submit.


Students will listen to a bible reading and respond to the assigned page from the bible workbook on the page provided on Seesaw.

Epic link :

Math activities: comparing-fractions-check-in

Week’s lesson: Lesson – Week March 23-27

Reminder if you didn’t do the math task on mathletics yesterday, it is scheduled to expire 11:59 pm tonight.

Please see Spanish lesson for this week Spanish grade 2 March 23-26 1st lesson plan esta nublado

Spanish grade 2 March 23-26 2nd lesson plan hace fresco

To see my comments to completed tasks submitted on SeeSaw: click inbox, and then click notifications. You will see the comments I left on tasks. This will also confirm that tasks were submitted successfully and I viewed them.

March 24, 2020

Dear Parents

For Tuesday:

Numeracy: Please log in to have students complete assigned tasks. Tasks expiry on Wednesday, March 25 at 11:59.

Please log in to and complete assigned tasks.

Science: Students will carry out an experiment and respond to the questions posted on Seesaw. Students may respond by typing their answer or voice record their answer, both options are available on the website. The instructions tell how to respond.  Cloud in a bottle experiment

Social Studies: Students will read pages 35 and 36 in their Social Studies textbook. If you were unable to collect your child’s books from the classroom, please send me an email so I may assist with the pages to be read.

The lesson for the week is again attached, in case you missed it yesterday. Lesson – Week March 23-27

March 23, 2020

Dear Parents,

Please see the attached lesson outline for the week, March 23-27. Complete tasks for each day please.

If you have any questions or need further explanations please send me an email.

Lesson – Week March 23-27

Please see attached P.E. lesson, students may carry out these tasks any day you find best to do so or any day they have completed my tasks and you can fit P.E. in. If you have any questions please contact Coach Kring.

K-2 Lesson Plans – March 23-27



Epic and Seesaw Tutorials

Hi Parents, after exploring epic and seesaw, I have created student profiles for myself, so I can see what you are seeing on your end.

Please use the following links to see the tutorials of how to use the sites. If you have any questions please send me an email. I converted the videos to youtube links, so you should always be able to find them. The seesaw link as shown in the picture I sent to your email is: Go to the links below and follow the instructions.

Please get setup and let’s begin a new on Monday.

Reminder, the blog post will be available from 9pm Sunday night, for those who would like an early start prepping your child’s work area.

Thank you to those students who have been responding to the posts and sending videos or notes. I have responded to them and left comments. It is okay if you do not yet know how to retrieve the comments. It is a learning process, take time to explore the sites when you can.

Lila is missing her class very much and wanted to send a video. You can view her video on seesaw, unfortunately she won’t be able to see your responses.

Grade Two Scoop

Happy October, we are not in an area where we have changing seasons, but each new month brings us closer to Christmas. It is by far our children’s most favoured time of the year :).


This week we kicked off the Global Read Aloud (GRA), that is one book connects the world. Second grade classes around the world are presently reading the same book – Stella Diaz has something to say. We have two buddy classes; one from Sunbury Ontario which we did a skype with Friday morning, to talk about the book so far and answer questions from this week’s padlet. Our second buddy class is from Deerfield MA. We have a google hangout appointment with that class next Tuesday. Students also participated in this week’s Flipgrid, by responding to the question, “Like Stella compared herself to her beta fish, what animal would you compare yourself to and why?”

We focused a lot on comprehension this week by combining all of what students have learned so far: sequence of events and compare and contrast those events. In grammar, we reviewed writing complete sentences, identifying the subject and predicate and correcting run-on sentences. Next week we will look at types of sentences – exclamation, statement and questions. Please click the links below to review sentences with your child at home, as students prepare for their upcoming tests.

Note: Worksheets sent home for both Numeracy and Literacy are not homework to be returned to school, but to be used as at home practice, to prepare for tests. Worksheets were sent home Friday and additional ones will be sent home next week as well. However if you notice that your child is unable to complete a task please send worksheet back so I can go through that topic again.

We will continue to review all topics next week.


We reviewed previous topics taught. Upon review, some students did not fully grasp the topic of expanded form. We spent some time on the topic this week and will spend more time on said topic Monday and Tuesday and give students an assessment on Friday. Students learned about odd and even numbers. How to group them and identify which are even and which are odd. Next week we will use even and odd numbers in counting (skip counting), counting by twos and threes. Please see links below, you can watch these with your child as a way to review and for the strategies used in class to teach the above mentioned topics.


We reviewed the previous topics done. Students started learning about life-cycles. We will focus on life-cycle of a mammal and an insect next week and have students note the similarities and differences between the two.

Social Studies

Students learned about the two hemispheres the world is divided into and the equator which divides the world into those two hemispheres. They located the Caribbean on a map and was able to tell which hemisphere the Caribbean can be found in and that we are close to the equator.


This week we studied Moses and the children of Israel in the wilderness. Students learned why and where Moses received the “Ten commandments.” Next week we will learn about respecting authority and the consequences for disobedience, as we focus on Miriam and Aaron by studying Numbers 12, Romans 13, Hebrews 13 and Exodus 20.



We have a bit of an email hiccup which will be cleared up by tomorrow. My apologies that some parents did not receive all the emails sent last week. 

Homework given on Fridays is due the following Friday. Library books – students do not need to complete books by Monday, they will tell about what was read so far and continue reading their books during the Drop everything and read session (D. E. A. R), the Bible verse for the week can be said to the teacher at any time Monday – Friday of that week. Spelling tests are also done on Fridays.