Homework 17 – 21 March

Monday – Review for tomorrow’s Measurement Math test on length in customary and metric units.  Children need  to complete the textbook work from this morning’s lesson (p417) and do the cumulative review on p418-419.  They can also do the online practice test at http://www.glencoe.com/sec/math/studytools/cgi-bin/msgQuiz.php4?isbn=0-02-105732-X&chapter=9&headerFile=7

Tuesday – Spelling Homework. Spelling workbook p76-78

Wednesday and Thursday – Work on Social Studies project.  All projects must be handed in on Friday 21st of March.  Please see your child’s agenda for details on this project.

Assessments: This week the children will be sitting the Grade 3 Storytown Benchmark Mid-Year Assessment.  This assessment is part of our normal classroom literacy program.  It is also good practice for their TerraNova tests coming up in  May.  The assessments will be sent home next week so parents can see their child’s achievement levels.

Other news

This week is Heroes Week where we focus on what it means to be a hero rather than a bully.   We will look at our school’s definition of a bully as “an act of repeated aggressive behavior in order to intentionally cause harm to others.  Bullying is characterized by in imbalance of power or strength.  Behaviors may include: verbal harassment, physical assault, name calling, exclusion, social isolation, coercion, or cyber bulling through cell phones or the use of the internet.”  Our class will look at how we can stand up to bullies (be a powerful bystander) and how we can be a good friend to others.

Sports Day is this Friday at the Truman Bodden Complex.  Please hand in all permission slips and the bus/snack fee of $4.

Our Rum Point field trip is next Thursday, 27th of March.  Please hand in these permission slips and the accompanying $10 for lunch and transport costs.  We’d love to have as many parent volunteers as possible!