Grade 3 information for the week.

Spelling words:

  1. curious
  2. trapping
  3. fainted
  4. promise
  5. extreme
  6. congratulations
  7. sincerely
  8. sorrow
  9. guarding
  10. hundred
  11. cruel
  12. announce
  13. stared
  14. triumph
  15. unique

Bible verse: 

Titus 3: 4-5  But when the kindness and love of God our Savior appeared, he saved us, not because of righteous things we had done, but because of his mercy

Math Test on Friday 30th Jan- topics include multiplication by 2, 4, 5, 10, 0 and 1. Knowledge of the terms commutative property, zero property and identity property of multiplication is required to answer some questions.

Science Test on Friday 30th Jan. The revision was covered last Friday 23rd Jan. Topics on the traits of vertebrates and invertebrates should be revised.

Homework for Monday 2nd Feb:- Maths homework practice workbook-pages 36 to 38.