Grade 3: Updates for 2016

Hello Parents,

See what went on in class for the week of September 26th, 2016.

Grammar: Identify the subject of a sentence.
Reading: Looked at the features of a biography. Read a biography on Ellen Ochoa and analysed the text for comprehension. Practiced using comprehension skills.
Writing: Practiced the drafting and publishing stage of writing a descriptive paragraph. Students learnt how to use symbols to correct work, example: Inline image 1
Maths: Rounding to the nearest ten, hundred and thousand using the number ine strategy and the rhyme (4 or less let it rest, 5 or more let it soar). We will spend next week on this as well since it is one of those topics that students have difficulty learning.
Social Studies: Features of a traditional Cayman kitchen.
                          Compare traditional houses from around the world.
Science: Compare learnt and instinct behaviour. List characteristics that help a camel and polar adapt to its environment.
BIble: Catergorise books of the bible and reviewed for a simple test on Friday.
Art: work with water colour to create tints and shades.