Objectives and Homework for April 20 – 24, 2015

We will be doing more Terra Nova practice papers throughout the week. Be sure to check your child’s schoolbag for him/her to review the papers at home.

English: – Unit 7 Cumulative Review continuation.

– Terra Nova Practice

The One and Only Ivan: We are thoroughly enjoying The One and Only Ivan. Be sure to ask you child what chapters we’ve covered and discussed each week.

Some of the learning objectives (or WALT as we refer to them in Grade 4; We Are Learning To) and questions that we will cover while reading are:

  • Describe in depth a character, setting, or event in a story or drama, drawing on specific details in the text (e.g., a character’s thoughts, words, or actions). Compare and contrast the points of view from which different stories are narrated, including the difference between first- and third-person narrations.
  • How does point of view contribute to the authenticity of a story? Write an explanatory text telling how the author uses point of view in the book and how you as the reader were impacted.
  • How do authors develop characterization, and how does characterization enhance the reader’s understanding of the character’s personality?
  • How does the author use figurative language through the character’s eon?

Spelling: – As we prepare for our upcoming Terra Nova tests, we will take a break from out weekly spelling test.

Math: – Solve division problems that result in 2-digit quotients.

– Solve division problems that result in 3-digit quotients.

Science: – Explain how Earth’s tilt affects the seasons.

– Describe phases of the moon.

– Describe our Solar System.

– Describe the sun, other stars and groups of stars.

Bible: – Study Bible verse for Friday. Parents, please encourage your child to study their Bible verse every week. These do impact their Bible grades.

– Use a code to reinforce that salvation is through faith.

– Complete sentences regarding Peter’s speech before the Sanhedrin.

– Differentiate between true and false claims about how to be saved.

Your word is a lamp to my feet, And a light to my path. Psalm 119:105




READING: Complete Elephant Jokes and Stories in booklet.


MATH: page 147

– Keron page 28 1-6


MATH: page 148 1-10

KeronL page 28 7-15


MATH: page 148 11-20

– Keron page 28 16-18