Very hungry catepillar kebabs!

We have been reading “A Very Hungry Caterpillar” as part of our author study. It was a story the children were very familiar with  and after reading it through a few more times, we thought about the story in relation to bears. What would this story sound like if it were about a very hungry bear?

More on that later. Cooking class then was to make a fruit salad with all the fruits that the very hungry caterpillar ate. This was a great opportunity to expose the kids to fruits they had never tried in the safety of a bite sized piece. They enjoyed skewering the fruit along the kebab sticks and nibbling away. Here are a few photos.

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA Hart is contemplating which fruit he would like to use next

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAKai digging in. He lost his toot shortly after

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAKylie all done with her kebab. Aiden and Hannah still going. Almost time to eat.