Cayman Colors Flower Project

Colors of Cayman Show and Tell Flower Project


Due: April 4,2014



The children have been learning about how plants grow. They learn that flowers are the part of the plant that porduces the seeds.  As a variety of plants grow on this island, the children have a wonderful opportunity to study a plant of their choice and present it to the class.


How should the project be presented?

  • Projects should be on 11X17 poster (Hard paper). To get the correct measurement think of two printer size sheets of paper stuck together at the long edge.
  • Name of the plant you are studying should be at top
  • Four sections should be presented
    • Leaf-Actual cutting
    • Flower –Actual cutting
    • picture of the plant with flowers
    • Why they chose this plant for show and tell
      • (can be handwritten or typed. No longer than 1 or 2 sentences.)


  • Extra Credit- an actual seed of the chosen plant.


You MAY help your child with spelling and layout of the project. The ideas about what to say has to be THEIRS. Remember, they have to present their work. If they have no idea what was written, they won’t know what to say.


Some ideas of plant flowers to study:

This list is very limited. Please feel free to choose your own if you would like.



English Daisy


Lily (any variety)


Orchid( any variety)



Desert Rose



Pride of Barbados


African Violets



Birds of Paradise

Golden Trumpet

Jathropa Peregrino

Poinseitta (Royal)

Poui Tree

Hairy Beggarticks ( a common daisy-looking weed)

Night Jasmine


Places to find inspiration

–       Plant nurseries

–       Outdoor office spaces around Cayman

–       Your own backyard

–       Internet


Materials you may use:


Flower/Plant cuttings

Ziploc bags


Saran Wrap

Poster board


Colored Pencils


Construction Paper/Printer Paper

Pictures/Drawings of Flower and Plant

Sample project
Sample project





Presentation Content Show and Tell


Poster is untidy or appears unfinished.Portions of the poster is missing Content is inaccurate.Obvious parental interference. Child cannot explain the project in his/her own words


Poster is presentable (Coloring and handwriting readable)Portions of poster is missing or incomplete.

No distinct headings

Some of the content inaccurate. Words and phrases are the child’s own words. Obvious spelling errors present. Child can explain portions of the project however it is unlcear.


Poster is neat and colorful. All portions of poster presented clearly with own sections. Content is accurate. Words and prases are child’s own. No spelling errors. Child is prepared and able to explain project.