Introducing Bubbles and Kermit!

Here in Kindergarten we have two little friends who help cheer us up when we are sad or missing Mom and Dad. They also enjoy listening to stories and hearing children count and say their ABCs. Kermit the frog lives in Kindergarten A and loves giving hugs. Bubbles the fish lives in Kindergarten B and enjoys snuggling.

Bubbles the Fish
Bubbles the Fish


Kermit the Frog
Kermit the Frog

Each of the students in Kindergarten A will have a chance to bring Kermit home for a weekend, and each child in Kinder B will get to bring home Bubbles. The friends will be sent home in a bag along with a notebook where you can record the adventures you have with them over the weekend. We will share these adventures at school each Monday.



Bubbles sitting on the fish rug