Parent ROAR February 1, 2019

Dear Parents-
We are well underway in 2019 as we head into February with many events and activities lined up. We look forward to seeing you at many of our school events such as the Rollathon, Valentine’s Day Lunch/Open House, and Sports Day- all happening in February.

Since we are starting the second grading period we want to highlight the emphasis this year at FBCS on high expectations for all learners. At the parent meeting on October 1, 2018 we indicated that the school would be implementing a whole-school Assessment Policy with a gradual move to Standards Based Grading. FBCS uses the Virginia State Standards for each grade level for each subject apart from social studies and Bible.

Assessment is directly linked to the standards for each subject and evaluates students’ knowledge and understanding of them. At FBCS, we believe that the effective and reliable assessment is necessary for improving teaching and learning and provides the basis for tracking and reporting progress to parents.

The next report card your child will receive in April will indicate what your child should know and be able to do and whether he/she is ‘working towards’ or ‘meeting’ or ‘exceeding’ the expected standard for that particular time in the school year. This will give parents an overview of strengths, weaknesses, and what the recommended next steps might be for your child.

We are grateful for the opportunity to partner with you in the education of your child, and look forward to serving you in the coming year!

Roadmap of the Week Ahead:

  • Monday, February 4- Chapel Pastor Paul Reynolds;
  • Writing Workshop Dorms 6 pm
  • Friday, February 8- Basketball Game vs Edna Moyle Primary School

Organization Information:

NCFA update- Festival dates are Feb. 11- 15th

FBCS Open House will take place on Thursday, February 14th from 10-2 p.m. where parents can sign in to visit their child’s classroom in action.

Parents can also join us for lunch for $5.50 by signing up with Jump Start Café.

  • K & 1 students will eat at 11:25 am in the gym
  • Grades 2-6 will eat at 11:50 a.m.

NCFA Choirs will be in/out during this day depending on the schedule of events. Teachers will post their daily schedule to the class door so parents can plan their visit.


Re-registration for the 2019-2020 school year continues until February 4, 2019. While we still accept re-registrations past this date it helps us predict room locations, staffing, scheduling, and curriculum orders to have this information by early February.


Looking Ahead:
February 11- Family Reading Night in the Library at 5:30 p.m; NCFA Soloists February 13- Speech Poems at NCFA; February 14- Valentine Lunch & Open House February 14- NCFA Choir; February 14- PTF “Spoil Your Teacher Day”
February 15- Dress Like a Book Character Day
February 20- Sports Day
March 22- FBCS Science Fair
March 28-29- Inter-primary Sports Day
April 13- South Sound Stride 5k Walk/Run Fundraiser for ICT