Weekly Parent ROAR October 11, 2019

Roadmap of the Week Ahead:

Monday, October 14- Chapel Pastor Bentley Robinson 8:10 a.m. GYM

Wednesday, October 16- Annual Spelling Bee 8:15 a.m. GYM

Thursday, October 17- Grade 2 Cultural Day & ½ Day NO AFTERSCHOOL CARE

Friday, October 18- NO SCHOOL through to October 25th


Organization Information:


Calendar Change- Due to the Public Holiday on December 19thfor the Referendum on the Cruise Port, FBCS will dismiss for the Christmas Break on Wednesday, December 18that end of day 2:45 p.m.   Afterschool care will be available until 5:30 p.m.   There will be NO SCHOOL on Friday, December 20th.


Huge thanks to everyone who supported our Charleston Wrap Fundraiser!!  We had sales of $8820.75 of which FBCS & WEE Care receive back 50% of sales!   Items should arrive in time for US Thanksgiving at the end of November!   We truly appreciate your generous support of First Baptist Christian School.


The MRCU have been around to spray outside of our buildings for mosquitos.   We are grateful for this and appreciate them coming in the early hours of the morning before students, teachers, and parents arrive.


Grading– To improve our assessment FBCS is using a grading scale that aligns a 4 point rubric to statements, and corresponding grades and percentages. Please see the Grading document being sent with the ROAR this week for clarification (green link below).  There will be no Mid-Term report card however if you are particularly concerned about your child feel free to speak with one of your child’s teachers.   The First Quarter ends on November 8thand traditional report cards will be emailed home through our school software ALMA  approximately 7-10 days later.

Click here to view the Grading Conversion Document

OBEDIENCE– is the Character Quality for October


October Chapel Schedule


October Passage Speaker Memory Verse Subject Key Idea Memory Verse Expanded
14-Oct  2 Kings 22 Bentley 2 Kings 22:1 Josiah Steadfastness He did what was right in the eyes of the Lord and followed completely the ways of his father David, not turning aside to the right or to the left.
21-Oct Break None
28-Oct  2 Chron. 20 David 2 Chron. 20:12b Jehosophat Leaders keep their eyes on Jesus We do not know what to do, but our eyes are on you.”


Literacy Announcement Ms. Suckoo:

Since Global Read Aloud (GRA) kicked off last week, classes across FBCS have been busy making global connections with classrooms around the world. From a Mystery Skype in Wisconsin, to a Google Hangout in Ontario, from Padlet to FlipGrid, students have been utilizing technology across the board to learn about others and discuss our literary adventures.

Imagine, this is only Week 2 of GRA…now picture what more we have in store!

Parents, remember to stay up to date with the books that we are reading by asking questions and discussing what we’ve read with your child/children. To get you and your little humans thinking, try a few of these starter questions based off of Bloom’s Taxonomy:

– What do you think will happen next?

– What would result if…?

– Explain why the character acted in the way that he/she did.

– Do you know another instance where…?

– Which factors would you change if…?

– What is the main idea? Theme?

– What are the consequences of…?

– What influence will …have on our lives?

– How would you feel if…?

– What changes to the book would you recommend?

Then of course we have our: Who? What? Where? When? How?  What happened after?

Looking forward to an adventurous next few weeks.



The FBCS Annual Attendance rate is 96% which is very good!  Help us keep this up by bringing your students on time, and scheduling trips during breaks when possible.

Morning Drop Off- Supervision begins at 7:30 a.m. each morning and students should not be left unattended in the gym!
Tuition- Monthly tuition payments are due on or before the 5thof each month.




School Half Term Break is October 18-October 25th! School Re-opens on October 28th!

Message from Mr. Holtzhouse (Head of School)

Thank you to all of you that attended our special “Education Sunday” last weekend. We had a wonderful group of parents present to worship with us. The students did a great job ministering through songs.

I also want to thank you for your understanding of our professional development days that were added to the master school calendar shortly after my arrival on the island back in late June. These days allow us to further challenge our teachers in the art of their teaching craft. It is a win-win for all of us. Teachers that are improving in their craft produce students that are improving in their education as observed by their assessments. I am aware that this creates a potential hardship for you as parents providing coverage for your children on these early dismissal days. Thank you for your extra efforts to make this work. This is essential for the growth and development of our staff.