
Here are a few competitions for you to be aware of. These are not mandatory, but would most certainly be fun to get involved with. Please be aware of the details for due dates, expectations, and submission places. Best of luck and I hope everyone gives it a try!

VLOG Competition

  • DUE DATE: September 30th
  • 2 Min VLOG
  • Submit to


Charleston Wrap

A huge thanks to those of you who have already purchased and encouraged your friends and coworkers to do the same. You are our trailblazers and we truly appreciate you.

Even if you’re a little late to the party we can still make this year a record breaking year and based on how amazing you’ve been so far I know that you are the absolute best group of parents to pull this off.

So what now?

Here’s all you need to do

  1. Register your student online by clicking here enter our School ID [z- 11554]
  2. Invite friends and family to shop and support our students. Send emails, share on social media, and text the fundraising link to your friends & family to quickly spread the word!
  3. Look out for the catalog packets coming home with your student today. Our Campaign runs through until September 27th, 2019!

Thank you for your support!