Portfolios – End of Quarter 2

Dear Parents and Guardians,

Ms. Suckoo and I have sent home your child’s portfolios today. These folders are extremely important – they need to be looked after and kept safe. We have spoken to our students about their importance, please reinforce this with them. Inside the folder contains the proof of your child’s grades and academic progress.

We ask that you please go through the folder meticulously and look through each assessment. Please make sure that all assessments are signed and let us know if you have any comments. We are still completing the student data pages. The folders will always remain at school unless we send them home for you to check.

A few things they need to do this weekend:

  • If they don’t have subject dividers, they need to get them as soon as possible and put them into their folder. The table of contents is in the front of the folder.
  • All assessments must be in chronological order. They can use their student data page to find the order.

Please ensure that all assessments are signed and portfolios are returned by Wednesday, February 12.


Dear Parents and Guardians

I think yesterday’s events took all of us by surprise – I am grateful that we are all safe and unharmed on the island. While the experience was frightening for all of us – it is important to know that each child will respond differently to the event. I think it is important that we do not overlook what happened yesterday because nothing tragic happened. We also need to be careful not to frighten our children anymore than they may be already. With that in mind, I have sourced some resources that you may feel free to use.

Parent Guidelines for Helping Children after an Earthquake (From the NCTSN)

Being in an earthquake is very frightening, and the days, weeks, and months following are very stressful. Your children and family will recover over time, especially with the support of your relatives, friends, community, and relief organizations. But different families may have different experiences during and after the earthquake, including the experience of aftershocks which may continue for several months. How long it takes to recover will depend on what happened to you and your family during and after the earthquake and the extent of damage and loss. Some children or their family members may have been seriously injured and will require medical treatment and long term rehabilitation.

Some families will return to normal routines over time, while others may struggle with damage to their home and possessions, with access to medical care, and increased financial strain. Many families will have lost loved ones. Children may react differently to the earthquake and its aftermath depending on their age and prior experiences. Expect that children may respond in different ways and be supportive and understanding of different reactions, even when you are having your own reactions and difficulties.

Children’s reactions to the earthquake and its aftermath are strongly influenced by how their parents, relatives, teachers, and other caregivers cope. They often turn to these adults for information, comfort, and help. There are many reactions that are common among children. These generally diminish with time, but knowing about them can help you be prepared.

Common Reactions

• Feelings of anxiety, fear, and worry about the safety of self and others:

– Children may have increased fears and worries about separation from family
– Young children may cling to their parents, siblings, or teachers more

• Fears that another earthquake or aftershock will occur
• Anxiety about the safety of their home, school, religious, and other buildings

• Changes in behavior:
– Increased activity level
– Decreased concentration and attention
– Increased irritability
– Withdrawal
– Emotional outbursts

• Physical complaints (headaches, stomachaches, aches and pains)
• Changes in school-related work habits, social behavior, and behavior in the family
• Staying focused on the earthquake (talking repeatedly about it – young children may “play” the event)
• Strong reactions to reminders of the earthquake (destroyed buildings, debris, cracks in walls, news reports)

• Increased sensitivity to sounds (sirens, loud noises, things falling or crashing)
• Changes in sleep and appetite
• Lack of interest in usual activities, including how they spend time with friends
• Regressive behavior in young children (returning to baby talk, bedwetting, tantrums)
• Increase in harmful habits like drinking, using drugs, or doing things that are hurtful to one self
or others

Things I Can Do for Myself
• Take care of yourself. Do your best to drink plenty of water, eat regularly, and get enough sleep.
• Help each other. Take time with other adult relatives, friends, or members of the community to talk or help each other, including being involved in religious or spiritual activities.
• Put off major decisions. Avoid making any unnecessary life-altering decisions during this time.
• Give yourself a break. Try not to overdo clean-up activities. Take time to rest and do things that you like to do.

Things I Can Do for My Child

• Spend time talking with your children. Let children know that it is OK to ask questions and express their concerns. Their fears and concerns may need to be discussed more than one time and you should remain open to answering new questions and providing helpful information.

• Find time to have these conversations. Find time such as if you eat together or sit together in the evening, to talk about what is happening in the family as well as in the community. Answer questions briefly and honestly, but also ask your children for their opinions and ideas. For younger children, follow conversations about the earthquake with a favorite story or an activity to help them feel more safe and calm.

• Be a role model. Changes in living conditions can be extremely stressful for children. They will take cues on how to handle situations from their parents. Remaining calm will be important during chaotic times.

• Encourage your children. Help children take care of themselves by encouraging them to drink enough water, eat regularly, and get enough rest.

• Help children feel safe. This includes telling children what to do during an aftershock and explaining how you are keeping the family safe. This may need to be repeated many times.

• Maintain routines. Children feel more safe and secure with structure and routine. As much as possible, stick to everyday routines (including mealtimes, bedtime).

• Maintain expectations or “rules”. Stick with family rules, such as rules about good behavior and respect for others.

• Limit news exposure. Protect your child from too much news coverage about the earthquake recovery, including those in newspapers, on the Internet, or on the radio or television.

• Calm worries about friends’ safety. As communication or the ability to see friends may be difficult, reassure your children that their friends’ parents are taking care of them just as they are being cared for by you.

• Communicate about community recovery. Reassure children that things are being done in their community to remove debris, to restore supplies, and to help families find permanent housing.

• Encourage children to help. Children recover and cope better when they feel they are helping. Find ways your children can help, including with clean-up or family activities.

• Be patient. Children may be more distracted and need added reminders or extra help with chores or homework once school is in session.

• Give support at bedtime. Children may become anxious when they separate from their parents, especially at bedtime. Try to spend more time with your children at bedtime with such activities as telling a story.

• Monitor adult conversations. Be aware of what is being said during adult conversations about the earthquake and its aftermath. Children may misinterpret what they hear and can be frightened unnecessarily about something they do not understand.

• Seek professional help. If children have continued difficulties for a couple of months after the earthquake, parents should consult a trusted helper—a doctor, religious or community leader, even a counselor or mental health professional.

• Get your child’s teacher involved. If there has been a serious injury or death in the family or if your child is having difficulties, let your child’s teacher or other supporting and caring adults know so the school can be of help.

• Keep things hopeful. Even in the most difficult situations, identify some positive aspect and try to stay hopeful for the future. A positive and optimistic outlook helps children see the good things in the world around them.


Christmas Party and Secret Santa

Dear Parents and Guardians

Our class is very excited for Christmas and their upcoming Christmas break. I am sure you have heard about them decorating the board and counting down the days till Christmas. We started at 50  days and now we’re only 13 days away!

Secret Santa

One of the requests from the class was to do a Secret Santa gift exchange. I was reluctant to do it as I know that there are a lot of extra expenses at this time of the year and everyone is extremely busy. However, they managed to twist my arm and this week they selected their names from Santa’s hat. I did give the option if any student did not want to participate. Below are the guidelines that I gave the class:

  • Maximum of 10 CI on a gift.
  • The gift should be new or made (Would they appreciate receiving their gift?).
  • Gifts should be wrapped with the receiver’s name clearly visible on it.
  • Gifts need to be at school by next Wednesday (12/18).
  • No gifts may contain nuts.
  • They are not allowed to make you drive around the island looking for a gift. They must find their gift during your family shopping time.

Class Party

On Wednesday we will have a fun reward day for the class. The class has worked hard this term and they deserve some time to be social with one another.

In order to make things easier for you, I will be collecting 5CI from each student and I will buy the snacks and drinks for the party. Money will need to be brought to school no later than Monday, 16 December.

We will also compete in various Minute to win it tasks. The top boy and girl will receive their 5CI back.

Narrative Writing – A Christmas Star

To add some Christmas fun to our writing, Grade 6 has been analyzing the animated short film – A Christmas Star. With the help of this video, we have been dissecting what goes in to making a great narrative story. Although this film is short, it is complex, as the students see the main character as greedy and selfish with few redeeming qualities. Keep checking in with your child this week, as he/she continues to build their own story based off of this short film.

Give it a watch and discuss all of the key details and events with your child, reminding them that the more details added to a narrative, the more entertaining and interesting it will be for the reader.


Two weeks ago, I introduced our class to the concept of EcoBricks. Plastic pollution is one of the biggest threats to our environment. Single use plastics cannot be recycled and it takes hundreds of years for them to degrade in a landfill or in the environment.

We have started our own class EcoBrick in class and I challenge you to start one as a family! You will be amazed at the amount of single use plastic that you use and how much fits into a bottle. You are welcome to send your jam-packed EcoBrick to school – I will either make some class furniture out of them or deliver them to the National Trust.

The problem:

What is an EcoBrick:

How to make an EcoBrick: