Portfolios – End of Quarter 2

Dear Parents and Guardians,

Ms. Suckoo and I have sent home your child’s portfolios today. These folders are extremely important – they need to be looked after and kept safe. We have spoken to our students about their importance, please reinforce this with them. Inside the folder contains the proof of your child’s grades and academic progress.

We ask that you please go through the folder meticulously and look through each assessment. Please make sure that all assessments are signed and let us know if you have any comments. We are still completing the student data pages. The folders will always remain at school unless we send them home for you to check.

A few things they need to do this weekend:

  • If they don’t have subject dividers, they need to get them as soon as possible and put them into their folder. The table of contents is in the front of the folder.
  • All assessments must be in chronological order. They can use their student data page to find the order.

Please ensure that all assessments are signed and portfolios are returned by Wednesday, February 12.