Global Read Aloud 2018

For Literacy in Kindergarten, we joined the Global Read Aloud. This annual project was created in 2010 with one simple goal in mind; one book to connect the world. This year, the books were chosen to read aloud during a set 6-week period where we try to make as many global connections as possible. We shared our thoughts about the books we read with children in other classrooms around the world. This year we read books by multiple authors such as Monique Gray Smith and Julie Fleet, both mixed-heritage women of Cree ancestry. Their books started conversations, inspired kindness, and helped us create connections. In our cooking session with Ms. Clynese, we made and sampled Cree Bannock bread.

Rhyming Hats

Our phonological awareness focus has been rhyme. Rhyming words sound the same at the end. We have been reading books with word patterns that rhyme. You can help at home by playing games and reading books that have rhyming words.

In Literacy we did an author study on Dr. Seuss. He was an amazing author that played with words. The use of Rhyme is heavily focused on as well as Alliteration. We have been learning to listen to words that rhyme.It’s a tricky skill to hear words that sound the same at the end. We studied the book ‘The Cat in the Hat’ by Dr. Seuss and were able to generate rhyming strings. Some of us were able to write a rhyming string for a Cat in the Hat and constructed a rhyming hat.

Procedural Writing

We have been learning to write a procedure. Look around the house. When is procedural writing used? Look at a recipe, or a manual. Our text type writing skill is focused on being able to write a 4 step procedure. We started with How to Make Apple Sauce. Students become familiar with sequencing words- Put sequence words“first”, “then”, “next”, “finally”.

This procedure shows the steps for-

How to make Chocolate Milk

1.            First pour milk into a jug. 

2.            Next squeeze chocolate syrup into the jug.

3.            Then stir the mixture with a spoon. 

4.            Finally pour the chocolate milk into a glass

Those Tricky, Tricky Words

We are making tricky words in Capitals using multilink cubes and Play Doh. Tricky words are those words which cannot be sounded out correctly using the Jolly Phonics sounds. The only way these words can be read and spelt correctly is by learning them and having plenty of practice.

Rhyme Time-The Cat in the Hat


In Literacy we did an author study on Dr. Seuss. He was an amazing author that played with words. The use of Rhyme is heavily focused on as well as Alliteration. We have been learning to listen to words that rhyme. It’s a tricky skill to hear words that sound the same at the end. We studied the book ‘The Cat in the Hat’ by Dr. Seuss. We have been generating rhyming strings. Some of us were able to write a rhyming string for a Cat in the Hat and constructed their rhyming hat.



20160428_165724I am an enthusiastic educator who is committed to the development of the whole child, their progression and achievement as a global learner. I have been fortunate to spend the past 4 years of my overseas teaching experience with the Cayman Island Government Schools, in both Reception and Year One. With my years of Early Years teaching experience as a qualified practitioner in the United Kingdom, I bring a wealth of varied skills to facilitate learning.

Educators play an integral role in children’s lives. I feel passionately that good teaching can inspire a child as well as their family to engage with their education. I strongly believe that it is important to involve the family in the child’s learning in as many ways as possible. Development of good home school links is key to making a positive, holistic learning experience for the child.

I am committed to providing a learning environment that facilitates, and enhances independent and peer learning balanced with adult-led, focused activities. I strive to provide an environment that caters for a variety of learning styles, which is fully inclusive and provides equal opportunities for children to achieve their full potential. I am excited to join the First Baptist Christian School family and look forward to working with you all.

Under the sea- An above the water exploration of the ocean

Ok fact number 1- We live on an island.

Fact number 2- We have lots of sea creatures that are totally interesting and fascinating.

This month we studied all that the sea has to offer and show us.

We learnt about relationships between animals in the sea. We learnt about different kinds of animals- fish, reptiles, mammals that all call the sea their home.

So naturally at the culmination of the trip, we get to touch and feel some of these things.

Have a look at our field trips to Turtle Farm Wildlife Encounter AND Dolphin Discovery Water park. Both establishments had highly trained well polished professionals that made us learn even when we played.

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2015-03-20 11.06.10
How high can Lucky jump?


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2015-03-20 11.06.20
Pectoral Fin? No problem. They help the dolphin steer





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Kinder Worship!


Mrs. Galvoa, our Aide loves worship time and often leads worship in Chapel. At the request of many of the kinders, they joined her in our last chapel to help bolster the rafters. Take a look.

Warming up

Almost there









Click on the video link to see the kinders in full swing.IMG_0065

Ready for Reading!

Parents, your child should have come home with an envelope last Friday containing a book and a reading log. I am hoping that each child will make a habit of spending 20 minutes every day reading. These folders should be returned on Thursdays so a new book can be sent home each Friday.

20 minutes may seem daunting, but never fear! It does not have to be all at once, and it does not have to be only your child reading to you. In fact, children learn many skills that will help them learn to read better just by listening to you read to them.

Kindergarten 020

The 20 minutes also does not have to be only the book sent from school. Your child should be able to read this book to you at least once during the week, but they do not have to read it every day. Please let me know if a book I send seems way too hard or easy for your child. We Give Books is a nice website to read books online with a free sign-up. They have many different levels of books as well.

Please do not feel like you must log every single book or every single minute exactly. The reading log is as much for YOU as it is for me. The important thing is that your child is making it a habit to spend time reading and enjoying books every day, not that something is written in the reading log.

Reading Rockets has some good tips for building language skills at home as well. If you would like any additional tips or ideas for helping your child at home, just ask!