Home Learning Grid for Kindergarten April 6, 2020

Home Learning Grid for Kindergarten
Friday, April 6, 2020.

Topic: Measurement – Compare Temperature
Objective: The student should be able to:
• Use direct comparison to compare the temperature of objects or the environment.

Developing Vocabulary: New Vocabulary temperature, colder, hotter.

Lesson Introduction:
Listening Activity: Watch the video link below of the song entitled “Seasons of the Year to review the previous lesson taught.

Learning Activity: Tell students they are going to be temperature detectives today. Have students walk around the house to find the locations of things that feel hot or cold and compare them. For example, cold areas may include the refrigerator and or freezer. Hot areas or objects may include a light bulb, the dryer (heat from the dryer), and the outdoor environment. Ask students to give you a thumbs up if they agree if the objects are hot and or cold. If they don’t agree, let them explain why they don’t agree with you.

Learning Extension: Set out a container of hot water, a container of lukewarm water, and a container of ice water along with a thermometer (if you have one) on several different days. Encourage students to feel the temperature of the water in each container and measure it with a thermometer.

Click the link below of the interactive thermometer. Guide students to drag the slider or use the up and down keys to interact with the thermometer.

Task: Please complete the activity sheets attached to comparing temperature.


Bible Story: Easter
Focus: Review
Objective: To know that Jesus is arrested, crucified, and raised from the dead before He ascends to

Encourage students to pray.

Listening Time: Please watch the video link below of the Bible story entitled “The Story of Easter.”
Instruct students to answer easy and challenging questions to review lessons taught.
Ask the following questions to review: (easy questions):
• What did the people shout as Jesus entered Jerusalem?
• What did the woman find at Jesus’ tomb?
• How could Jesus come alive again?
• Where is Jesus now?
Ask the following questions to review: (the more challenging questions):
• Why were the temple leaders angry when Jesus arrived at the temple?
• What did the angels at the tomb tell the women?
• What did the two friends walking to Emmaus do after they realized they had seen Jesus?
• Before Jesus went back to heaven, what did He tell His disciples to do?
Ask the following question to review: (Bonus question):
• Why did Jesus obey His Father’s plan to die on the cross?
Learning Activity: As you sense the leading of the Holy Spirit, talk to students who may be ready to accept Jesus Christ as Savior.

On a sheet of paper, allow students to draw a picture of an Easter scene.

Bible Textbook

Literacy: Writing
Objective: Students should be able to:
• Complete sentences by filling in the correct words.
• Print his/her first and last names.
• Begin each sentence with a capital letter and use ending punctuation.
• Identify the “Qu” blend.
• Sound the letters and put the sounds together.
• Listen to the story and answer questions after.

Learning Book: Children will complete page 47 in the (Journeys Reader’s Notebook). Parents, please read the instructions/words with your child. Allow children to read each sentence after completion.

Reading Book: “Somebody loves you, Mr. Hatch.”
Children will click on the link below: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AGAS_Aj85cA&feature=emb_rel_pause
Allow your child to listen to the story read to them. Then answer the following questions below on a blank paper.
1. What is the name of the story?
2. What two places did he stop after work?
3. What did Mr. Hatch get in the package from the postman?
4. Did you enjoy the story?
5. If you could say something to Mr. Hatch, what would you say?

Phonics: Instructions: Children will click on the link below:
and listen to the Blend family “Qu” song and sing along. Children will make the sound “Qu.” Name things that have the “Qu” sound. Example: (quick, quiz, quill, quilt, quartz, queen, quart, quarter, quiet, quiver, quote, quack, quest, quit, quaint, question).
(No spelling test this week)

Resources: Paper, pencils, reading book, journey’s reader’s notebook, computer, tablets, YouTube

Science/Social Studies
Please take some time each day to work on the Science/Social Project entitled “End of Unit Science and Social Studies Project.’ This project is due on April 6, 2020. Please send a short video of this project presentation to Mrs. Dawson via email.
The attachment was sent via email on March 22, 2020.

Thank you!

Our character trait of the month is Sincerity!

Watch this video with your child. Discuss the character trait “Sincerity” Sincerity means doing what is right even when no one is looking. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mfXZU2wziO0 Please talk about this trait throughout the month.

 I have completed my child’s Home Learning Task.

Parents Signature:

Answer Sheet for Bible Questions:
• What did the people shout as Jesus entered Jerusalem? (Hosanna)
• What did the woman find at Jesus’ tomb? (the huge rock was moved away from the opening, and the tomb was empty)
• How could Jesus come alive again? (God raised Jesus from the dead)
• Where is Jesus now? (in heaven)
Ask the following questions to review: (the more challenging questions):
• Why were the temple leaders angry when Jesus arrived at the temple? (They didn’t like the children and other people praising God)
• What did the angels at the tomb tell the women? (Jesus is alive)
• What did the two friends walking to Emmaus do after they realized they had seen Jesus? (they ran to Jerusalem to tell the other disciples)
• Before Jesus went back to heaven, what did He tell His disciples to do? (tell everyone about Him)
Ask the following question to review: (Bonus question):
Why did Jesus obey His Father’s plan to die on the cross? (He loved other people more than Himself and wanted everyone to join God’s family and no longer be separated from God)