Home Learning for Kindergarten Thursday 19, 2020

Home Learning Grid for Kindergarten
Thursday, March 19, 2020.

Objective: The students should be able to
• tell the time to the hour using an analog and a digital clock.

Listening Time; Review the story entitled “It’s About Time” by Stuart J. Murphy with the student(s). Ask the student(s) to state all they’ve remembered from the story read. Explain to the student(s) that a day has 24 hours. The hours from midnight to noon are called a.m. hours. The hours from noon to midnight are called p.m. hours.
Please view the story link of the story “It’s About Time” by Stuart J. Murphy below. (if needed for reference)

After reviewing the story with the student(s), show them the yellow analog clock and a digital clock (on a cell phone, kitchen stove, computer, etc.).
Explain to them that analog clocks have hands on the clock face, while digital clocks show time using just numbers. Further explain to them that analog and digital clocks look different, but they tell the same time.
Ask them to look around the house for different types of clocks.
Task: Ask the student(s) to draw pictures of themselves doing various activities at different times of the day.Help them write the times on each picture. (N. B. Please take a photo and send these pictures via email to me for assessment purposes. Thank you!)

On the link provided below, please let students practice setting the time to the hour using analog and digital clocks. https://www.abcya.com/games/telling_time
Analog clock (provided in the package)
Digital clock (on a cell phone, stove, computer, etc

Bible Story: Esther
Focus: Selflessness

Objective: To understand that God uses Esther to save His people.
Listening Time.
Read Philippians 2:4 to students. Discuss with students how Esther considered the needs of others more than the needs of herself. Tell students that King Ahasuerus and Haman did not know that Esther was a Jew, and therefore she would most likely not have been killed. Remind students that Esther was so brave that she risked her life to go before the king without being invited. Inform students that besides being brave, Esther was also selfless, meaning that she cared more for the Jews than herself.

Please read the make-believe story attached below to the students. (Please see attachment of story via email document)

Ask the following questions:
• Where did Stella and Marie like to play at recess?
• Why did Camille and Nadine usually have to play somewhere else?
• How was Stella going to show selflessness?

Learning Activity: Complete the activity from the Bible textbook on page 58. The students are asked to select a picture and tell a story about how one person is showing selflessness to the other person.

Bible Text
Make Believe Story

Literacy – Writing
Objectives: Students will be able to:
• Print capital and lowercase letters of the alphabet independently.
• Print his/her first and last names.
• Identify pictures that begin with (I, g, r, d)

Learning Activity: Children will complete page 28 in the (Journeys Reader’s Notebook). Parents, please read the instructions/words with your child.

Reading Book: “Eating around the world.”
Children will click on the link below: https://www.getepic.com/app/read/47562
And listen to the book being read to them.
Look on page 22 and ask your child the questions provided.

Phonics -“Wh”-sounds
-words that begin with “wh”- (whale, where, what, why, when)
Instructions: Children will link on the link https://www.starfall.com/h/ltr-lv-a/wh-skill/?sn=ltr-classic, identify the beginning blend “wh” repeat the sound of “wh.” Children will click on each word beginning with “wh” and click on the arrows to continue.

Paper, pencils, reading book, journey’s reader’s notebook, Epic website, computer/tablets

Science/Social Studies

This information was sent out yesterday. Please do it anytime throughout the week.

Extended Practice: Continue sorting items in its correct bins on the link provided.
Ask the student to sort trash into one category of litter at a time. If the student masters the easy level, he or she can continue to the next level.

Our character trait of the month is Orderliness!

Watch this video with your child. Discuss the character trait ‘’Orderliness” Please talk about this trait throughout the week.

 I have completed my child’s Home Learning Task.

Parents Signature:

Answer Sheet for Bible Questions
• Where did Stella and Marie like to play at recess? (In the sandbox)
• Why did Camille and Nadine usually have to play somewhere else? (There was not enough room left to play in the sandbox)
• How was Stella going to show selflessness? (She was going to let other students play in the sandbox)