Reading Logs


Hello Parents,

Did you know that reading for 20 minutes daily means that in one year, a reader will be exposed to 1.8 million words in just one year? That’s an incredible amount of learning and growth for such a simple daily action! Please make sure your child is getting 20 minutes of reading each day, whether it be:

  • through an app or on an iPad
  • reading aloud to other family members
  • actively listening to a story being read to them

If your student hasn’t yet developed a love for reading, consider one of the following strategies:

  • look into graphic novels (students will use the picture-based plot to help themselves learn new words!)
  • choosing books that align with student interest (if they are too difficult for the student to read alone, books on one of their favorite topics are the perfect choice for parent-child read aloud time!)
  • find a series that meets a student’s reading level (remember the 5 finger trick – too easy, they’ll get bored – too hard, they’ll get frustrated – right around 2 or 3 hard words per page is the perfect level for their learning!)

Here is a printable PDF for the Five Finger Rule in a neat little bookmark: five-finger-rule-bookmarkpdf

And here is the 2nd grade reading log that should be filled out each night to track reading habits: 2nd Grade Printable Reading Log

Thank you in advance for this joint effort as we help students develop a love of reading 🙂

Ms. Mittelman and Ms. Maurice