In the loop

The time is going by so fast, it has been a whole month since your children have been back in school.

It has been lovely, getting to know each child, and together they make a wonderful bunch. Parents you are doing a great job raising your children.


Please see what we have done this week and what we look forward to next week.


In Phonics students continue learning about vowels. This week we focused on the vowels “O , U, E”. Students were able to blend letters and form words with the short vowel sounds of the focus vowels. Students were also able to think of and suggests CVC pattern words containing the focus vowels.

For grammar we reviewed complete sentences: which includes the naming part, the action part, using a, an, the correctly. Students were introduced to run-on sentences:- Sentences that contain two naming parts and two action parts. We will continue with this next week. Linking phonics to grammar – As a part of continuous formative assessment (class work and oral response) students were able to identify words with the CVC pattern while they carried out tasks. We also practiced using the spelling words in sentences.

For comprehension students continued to learn to compare and contrast events in a story.

Students were not given new spelling words this week, instead next Friday, for their spelling test words will be chosen at random from two previous spelling lists. Please have your child return the spelling tests that were sent home by Thursday. Please see attached document below for the two lists that words will come from.

Spelling words

Social Studies

Students continued learning about map scales and grids. Students had the opportunity to draw their own scale and design their own key on a provided picture of a blank map. Students were introduced to the equator and it’s location. This they will continue to learn about next week.


Students learned about the Israelites’ journey from Egypt, how God guided them and protected them. They learned of Moses and Miriam’s praise to God. Next week we will dig deeper into our study of Moses and the Israelites’ journey. Please include into your reading time/daily devotion with your child: Exodus 15 – 19 and Numbers 21. In your child’s folder you should find the bible review sheet for their upcoming test in October.


The students compared numbers from 0-999, they also used mental Math and number charts to find the value of 10 more, 10 less, 100 more, 100 less of various numbers.


The students looked at the basic needs of a plant. They set up ideal conditions for the germination of peas, each student has their own germination cup. They have been observing and documenting the changes seen.




Week three, Project and Reminders


This week students continued learning about CVC pattern words. We transitioned to longer words. Students achieved the challenge of making sentences and further including a cvc pattern word in each sentence. Students wrote a full expository writing this week consisting of three paragraphs.

In comprehension students learned how to compare and contrast (student friendly language – tell the difference).

Social Studies:

This week students learned the importance of a map scale and how measurement varies.

Please check your child’s folder for a Social Studies project outline.


Students started learning about Moses this week. They learned about Moses’ upbringing, his humility and his obedience to God in delivering the Hebrews out of Egypt.

As you read with your child for at least 15 mins. each night, you may prepare him/her for the week ahead as we will study Exodus chapters 12 – 15 and Psalm 145.


  1. We looked at rounding two-digit numbers to the nearest ten.
  2. We reviewed writing three-digit numbers in standard and expanded form.


  1. We reviewed the life cycle of the butterfly and compared it with the life cycle of a cat.
  2. We looked at the life cycle of the plant and sent home peas for germination.

Please send all germinating peas on Monday, kindly document any changes seen along with the time and date.


School will be dismissed at 12:30 pm next Friday, September 27, 2019.

Dates to remember 
SubjectsTest Dates
GrammarOctober 9
BibleOctober 14
WritingOctober 16
Social Studies ProjectOctober 17


Subject Updates and Reminders


This week, we reviewed the topics taught last week. Students learned about CVC syllable patterns –  paying attention to two syllable words containing a and i vowel sounds. 

In Grammar we looked at using a, an, the in sentences and putting words in alphabetical order. Students started learning about Expository Writing (children friendly term – telling what I know). We related this to comprehension, by writing information that we know from the book in correct sequence and using those points to write at least one sentence about each section of the story. 

Please spend at least 15 mins. reading to your child each night and asking questions; how, why, what, where, when, during the story. You can  integrate this with bible as a part of your nightly devotions –  we will be reading portions of Exodus chapters 3- 12 next week. 


Students learned about Abraham last week and this week. Next week we’ll be studying Moses.

Social Studies

Students learned about identifying different areas on a map and using a key to read a map. We started studying the map of the area of Bodden Town. 


We looked at place value for numbers in the hundreds, we also wrote theses numbers in expanded and standard form.


We looked at the life cycle of the butterfly.


Starting next week students must have their school hats to play during recess. If they do not have their hats they will be asked to sit in the breeze way during play times. If students ordered school hats and have not received them, they may wear a personal hat. 


We have a bit of an email hiccup which will be cleared up by tomorrow. My apologies that some parents did not receive all the emails sent last week. 

Homework given on Fridays is due the following Friday. Library books – students do not need to complete books by Monday, they will tell about what was read so far and continue reading their books during the Drop everything and read session (D. E. A. R), the Bible verse for the week can be said to the teacher at any time Monday – Friday of that week. Spelling tests are also done on Fridays. 


Good afternoon parents please see attached schedule. This will help to know when are P.E. days.

If you would like your child to be in after care please remember to sign up a new form and drop it off at the school office.