Updates Sept. 14-18

It is a joy to watch these little brains at work. Our grade two students are resilent and are capable of so much more than we may realize at times.

Our daily reminder is: ‘You are brilliant and you have the ability to achieve great things.’

In your child’s folder you will find:

  • Math and Literacy homework to return Friday, September 25th
  • Spelling list
  • Book to read over the weekend for our ‘Let’s talk about books’ section on Monday.
  • Bible Test study guide
  • Science material to review, please use along with this video. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rfeVlNL7d9U The science material that students have brought home, is what we have been going through in class and will also review next week before the test.

Please Note: Students will received the corrected spelling test on Monday for Parents to sign and return on Wednesday.



We celebrated Roald Dahl day and students were treated to their teachers dressing up as a character from the Roald Dahl novel being read in class. Grade Two’s novel is ‘George’s Marvelous Medicine’.

Students carried out a STAR Reading test.

Phonics – Students continue to learn about CVC words. Students identified words with CVC patten, practiced spelling them and a part of Grammar using them to make simple sentences.

Grammar – Students continue to learn about ‘The Sentence’; identifying the two parts of a sentence and making their own simple sentences, ensuring their sentences have a naming part and an action part.

Comprehension – Students continue to develope the technique of listening and reading to locate information and putting events from stories in correct order. This integrated into Bible, as this week bible activities included students listening to the story readings and locating information to respond to questions and sequencing events correctly.

Writing – This week continued learning how to organize information to order writing correctly. They used the process of elimination to select a topic, use their graphic aid to plan their writing and then wrote two paragraphs (including introduction and supporting details).


Please see the following bible study guide to review with your child for an assessment next Thursday.Abraham Study guide


Students carried out a STAR Math test.

Students continue learning about Place Value. This week we explored the expanded form, changing from standard form (343) to the expanded form (300+40+3) and vice versa. Please review the following video with your child.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4AF7xj7pmWc     If you would like to challenge your child you can continue through to the thousands aspect of the second video. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MPmphM8JoQY


Students continue to learn about force and motion. This week we reviewed their homework about ramps and discussed and noted the common factors in the videos. Students will carry out an assessment next Wednesday before we move on to another aspect of force motion (Gravity).

Social Studies

As we continue to explore the topic Finding our Way, which will lead into our other topic of study ‘Where we are and where are we going’. Students will receive a Social Studies project on Monday.