First Update for 2016-2017!

Hello everyone! Here is our first 2nd grade update email of the 2016-2017 school year 🙂

Here are some highlights so far:

  • Students are learning how to write paragraphs! (Ask them about Hamburger Paragraphs and start looking for a few to start coming home in their blue Take-Home folders!)
  • The first art project of the year turned out creative, brightly colored, and ready to be used in educational play! 2A made a forest full of animals and plants while 2B made Jurassic World full of lively dinosaurs.



And for some reminders and updates:

  • School Photo Day for 2nd grade is Tuesday, Sep 27th. Please send your child to school dressed in uniform (Navy polos and khaki bottoms!)
  • Fruity Friday for 2A is coming up on October 7th and for 2B the following week. If you’d like to volunteer with a few other parents to help set up the snacks (arriving at FBCS around 2:40pm on the day of), please email Mrs. Maurice or myself and we’ll sign you up for the job!
  • Some students are still in need of the 10 CI to cover their use of Mathletics. It is a great program that can be used as a resource to meet students with their math skills on their exact level of need. Check out the video tour here.
  • Keeping in line with FBCS educational policies as well as Biblical teaching, Mrs. Maurice and I are intentionally transitioning students forward from the reward systems appropriate for younger students in K-1 into intrinsic motivation and self-awareness more appropriate for their growing developmental needs. Research shows that “extrinsic motivation produces only short-term effects (at best.)” citation: article about cognitive disonance. We hope to support life-long learning skills and pride in doing work with creativity and mastery. Achievement and good values are our objectives! Please enjoy some of these wonderful articles that go into further depth on the subject:
  1. Motivating Students
  2. Dr. Curwin’s take on rewards
  3. The Risks of Rewards (with a Spanish option)
  • Finally, research shows that reading for 20 minutes every night is ideal for student growth! Please help students fill out their Reading Logs as you read together each evening


Thank you in advance for all of the positive communication in the year to come!

Blessings over your family time this weekend. Sincerely,

Ms. Mittelman and Mrs. Maurice