March 20, 2020

Students will read the assigned books on epic and respond to the questions at the end for both numeracy and Literacy. Unfortunately you will receive two separate email notifications from epic as two books are assigned.

If you have not yet done so, please respond to the invite sent from and sign up your child so he or she can be all caught up. Please also remember to sign up your child for seesaw, if you are having issues accessing the site. Please use this link select student and follow the steps.

It is important that you set up a seesaw account for your child, that is the site I will be using going forward. Students will be able to write their answers there instead of you having to take pictures and post them, students will be able to respond via a video or audio if they are unable to produce written work, I will do video explanations and give instructions. With this all or most class work will be in one place. Videos are posted daily of the novel we were reading in class, students will be able to listen in here.

Please see seesaw for class work for music from Ms. Janelle, if you have any questions please send her an email

Parents if you need to set up for your child the night before or early the next morning. The blog will be live from 9 pm, this way you can see what need to be done for the next day and open those web pages for your child. The epic books notifications  will also be sent at that time. You still won’t receive the blog email until the morning, but you can access the latest blog post through the link in my email signature.