April 2, 2020

Dear Parents,

You are all rock stars, you have been doing a great job working with your children and getting the work done each day.


MSE Detroit on Twitter: "Platinum Awards: the grown-up version of ... You also deserve a sticker.


For Thursday

Students will sign in to Seesaw and complete the Literacy and Science assignments. https://app.seesaw.me

Science – Students will be required to go for a walk and identify items on a list and tell about the weather.

Literacy – Students will carry out a phonics/grammar assignment – placing words in alphabetical order, finding the definition of words and using them to make sentences.

Epic – Students will click on the link to read the assigned books on epic. Links to the specific books can also be found on the seesaw website if you did not receive a notification from Epic. http://getepic.com