Friday – May 1

Good morning Parents,

We have made it to the end of another school week. I am enjoying seeing my students for live classes.

For Friday

Please have students join me on zoom for a Spelling test.

Please have students log in to seesaw  and follow the instructions to complete the assigned tasks for Literacy, Numeracy and Bible.

Literacy: Students will complete an oral book summary of the book that was assigned to them on epic on Monday April 27.

Bible: Students will use the link on seesaw to carry out their bible test.

Numeracy: Ms. Kring

On Friday, April 24 the numeracy activity was to complete the Star Math test.  This test is done multiple times a year to assess the students’ growth and development.  Unfortunately, many students still have not completed the Star Math test.  Therefore today’s numeracy activity will a chance to make up their missing assignments.

  1. I will post the Star Math instructions on Seesaw.  I will post “completed” for your child’s work if they have already done the test.
  2. If your student does not have a completed assignment note from me, please follow the directions posted to complete their test.
  3. Once they have completed the Star Math test, please post “Completed” as their assignment.

*Please make sure the Start Math tests are completed today, May 1.  Thank you!

  1. If your student already has completed their test, please use this time to do any missing work from numeracy or any other subject area.