Friday May 8 and Spirit Week Information

Good morning Parents,

This week sure went by quickly.

For Friday

Please have students log in to seesaw and complete the assigned tasks for the day.

Literacy: Students will carry out a spelling test via zoom. Students will complete a handwriting task, by writing in their best cursive handwriting.

Numeracy: Studies will read the assigned book on and complete the quiz at the end.

Bible: If students did not complete the pages on the unit of Mary and Joseph, they are required to try their best and complete it today.

Next week will we be participating in Spirit Week. Below are the themes for each day. It is Not mandatory, please do not feel like you need to create an outfit for each day.

Monday 11th – Dress in Blue/Yellow clothing/accessories

Tuesday 12th – Wear wacky clothes or have a crazy hair day

Wednesday 13th – Wellness/Mental Health Day (no dress up required) 

Thursday 14th – International Day – dress in colors from a country of your choice

Friday 15th – Dress like a superhero (or create your own mask/costume to wear)

The zoom schedule that was sent out this week will remain the same for the coming weeks. Except next week, during ‘Spirit Week‘ when we will have a whole group class on Wednesday May 13th at 9:30 am.

Have a great weekend everyone.