Test Dates and Updates

Subjects Test Dates
ComprehensionJanuary 23
Grammar (Plural and Proper NounsJanuary 24
ScienceJanuary 28
MathJanuary 29
Social StudiesJanuary 30


This past week students carried out more subtraction problems by working through worded questions. Friday students carried out a quiz on subtraction.

Next week students will start learning about money. Students will use all of what have been taught to them previously; such as: place value, addition and subtraction. Students will be introduced to using the decimal point in place value.

Please see attached the Numeracy project students are required to work.



Students continued learning about nouns. They practiced using proper nouns and plural nouns in writing stories as they wrote their Personal Narratives this week.

In phonics students learned words with common final blends; such as nd, ng, nk, nt, ft, xt, mp.

Note: Please disregard the part on the homework sheet that speaks to comprehension worksheet. We looked at one question as an example, which led to us going through the entire worksheet, and hence students completed that part.



Students learned about the contribution of humans on the environment, the importance of recycling, and natural occurrences in the environment that brings about both harmful and helpful changes.

Next week students will start learning about Weather and the different types of climatic conditions.


Social Studies

Students continued learning about the the districts of Cayman. Students are learning to identify their surroundings, their neighbourhoods, what is close by, and the direction school is from home.



This week students started learning about their Elijah. They learned of Elijah trusting God in all things and at all times. We will continue our study on Elijah next week as week focus on: 1 Kings 18:1-45, 2 Kings 2:1-11, Psalms 46, and Exodus 20:2-6.