Updates and Integration

Happy long weekend.

This past week, Grade Two spent time revising for upcoming assessments. We will spend time reviewing next week as well.

So far students have completed Grammar and Comprehension assessments and did their last spelling test for the quarter. Please take note of the remaining assessments.

Subjects Test Dates
ComprehensionJanuary 23
Grammar (Plural and Proper NounsJanuary 24
ScienceJanuary 28
MathJanuary 29
Social StudiesJanuary 30


Students are reminded to practice their 2, 5, and 10 times tables. Students started learning about money last week. Each student was given a sheet to get familiar with the coins and paper notes.


Please give your child empty bags, paper towel rolls, small empty boxes (such as: cereal boxes, toy boxes), empty bottles (such as lotion, water) and or anything that can be recycled. The next two weeks will be of integration. We will be setting up stores in our classroom for students to practice using money, students will name their stores. For Social Studies, Students will learn about direction from one store to the next as each store will be a representation of the five major districts in Grand Cayman. For Science, students will learn about taking care of the environment, learning to recycle and the various things that affects our environment which in turn affects the weather. For Literacy, students will construct their own sentences with proper nouns using the special names they will be learning about. Students will also be learning about collective nouns.


We will continue our study on Elijah we will continue to read through the same bible chapters as last week, but more in depth.