Inside Grade Two

Oral Book Summary AssessmentNovember 27
GrammarDecember 2
NumeracyDecember 4
Social StudiesDecember 6
ScienceDecember 9
BibleDecember 10
PhonicsDecember 11
ComprehensionDecember 13


Students continued learning about sentences, the focus was on Commands – identifying commands and knowing the difference between, commands, statements, and questions. Next week we will focus on Exclamations. In Phonics students continue to learn about long vowel sounds, we focused on long vowels a, i, o, u. Next week we will continue with long vowel u and also e. Students also learned how to use a glossary. We continue practicing using title page and contents to find information. The comprehension strategies students are using are: Rereading, using the text for support to answer questions, compare and contrast and identifying and using the main idea to tell what the story is about.

For at home practice, please have your child orally answer questions from the books he/she reads to you or you read to him/her. You may also implement this through bible, during your devotions by reading the passages we will focus on next week:- Joshua 23-24, Joshua 4, Mark 12, Colossians 3, John 4.


We continue to study Joshua and his obedience to God. Next Friday students will get a short quiz after we review what we have learned about Joshua so far.


Students learned about identifying ordinal positions and using an ordered set of objects such as, blocks, hidden objects, floor tiles, and real life events being in an ordered line, school years, and persons in a race. Next week students will spell ordinal numbers correctly, write the worded form and the numerical forms. Students are required to continue to review their times tables and their ordinal position sheets.


As students are learning about habitats, they are having a great time seeing habitats first hand, by going around the school yard and identifying the various habitats. Students also get the opportunity to use the internet and books to identify habitats. As we look specifically at birds on Tuesday, students will learn that not all birds fly, hence they don’t all live in trees.

Parent question: Please ask your child the following question. They will give me the answer in class on Tuesday.

What is the habitat of an ostrich and a penguin? They may use the internet or if you have access to animal books; to find their answer.

Social Studies

Students are learning that natural disaster affect Cayman and other Caribbean countries because of our location in the world. They identified our location on the map as they learn of our warm waters. As we focus on Natural disasters next week, students will learn about the path of hurricanes.


  • Please check your child’s folder for their homework and spelling list.
  • Your child is to take his/her agenda and blue folder to school each day.