Assessments and Updates

My apologies for no updates last week. I was experiencing technical difficulties.


We spent time reviewing for upcoming assessments. Students are practicing how to write fictional narrative, by using the writing process, which includes: pre-writing – using a graphic organizer; drafting – writing down their ideas; revising – putting their thoughts in order; editing – reviewing work for spelling errors and capitalization. Our phonics focus this week was consonant blends and consonant digraphs. The difference between blends and digraphs is that blends are two letters that make two sounds and digraphs make one sound. Blends – stick, Digraphs – she. Students continue to practice dictionary use, by finding and reading the definition of the words with consonant blends and digraphs that we looked at this week.


This week as we reviewed using the equal and not equal signs correctly, we also reviewed addition and subtraction and started focusing on addition of two digit numbers. Students are learning to use different methods to carry out addition. They are understanding that they can put everything learned previously into use; such as: adding by using the expanded form of numbers, place value, base ten, number line and place value tables. On Monday students will take home their Mathematics instructions text, which contains all the mentioned methods, along with a practice sheet to prepare for their upcoming Numeracy assessment.


Students carried out an observation, by observing plants in its natural environment and identifying animals that live in the Cayman Islands. They researched other countries that these animals and plants can also be found and made comparisons by noting the similarities of these countries. this led to our discussion and students understanding that plants and animals survive in specific conditions and that their bodies were built for their survival in said conditions. We also reviewed for the upcoming science test. Students did a mock test this week after each review and did very well on each. Their test on Monday will consist of some of the same questions. Students are required to read  pages 182-201 of the Science Fusion text book and pay attention to highlighted information and information in the boxes.

Social Studies

Our Social Studies sessions were spent reviewing material for the Social Studies test, which students did on Friday. One of the Social Studies standards is to locate and use necessary information. Hence students used their text books to search for the answers by reading the allotted pages on the test and locating the answers in the text. This was also good comprehension practice.


We completed our study on Ruth this week and started reviewing for the bible assessment next Tuesday. Students have been doing well saying their bible verses. Please be reminded to have your child practice the remaining memory verses for December if you notice that he/she doesn’t yet have it signed on their memory verse sheet.  Our study which will take us up to Christmas break will be about David. The chapters we will focus on next week starting Wednesday, are: 1 Samuel chapters 16 and 17.

Please Note

Students did their comprehension assessment on Wednesday December 4th and will instead do their Numeracy assessment on Friday December 13th. This will enable more review time for Numeracy.

You may use the following link to take you to a previous blog post containing the dates of assessments, so you may see the remaining assessments and dates.