This week in Grade Two

Thank you parents for taking the time to come in and meet.


Students are learning about Nouns: This week we focused on Nouns as names of People, Places, Things and Animals. We will continue with this topic next week. Our writing focus for the remainder of the quarter is Narrative Writing. The first aspect is Fictional Narrative and after the Christmas break we will do Personal Narrative. Please see the attached rubric which will be used to mark Narrative Writing. Narrative_Rubric_Gr2

In Phonics students are learning about consonant blends and the sound of those blends when added to a short vowel or long sound. We continue to pay attention to comprehension: Reading a story and using it to respond to questions and support answers and thinking about the why aspect to an answer given (why did you like that part, why do you think they did that), and identifying the theme and main characters in a story.


Students are learning how and when to use the not equal symbols. We focused mainly on the equal symbol this week, getting an understanding of the similarities. One way is making students aware that whatever is on one side when it is the same as what is on the other side then it is equal therefore the equal symbol is used. The following link may be helpful for you to use at home as a reminder of what was taught. Next week we will continue with equal and not equal.


Students continue learning about animals and plants coexisting and how they support each. This week we focused on adaptation which will continue next week. How are living things adapted to their environment – survival skills, plant protection, and animal protection.

Social Studies

Students continue to learn about map reading and The Cayman Islands – A part of the world. They are learning to locate the Caribbean region and islands in the Caribbean. We will continue to use the compass rose to show location of places on the map.


We will continue with our study of Ruth next week as we look at the following chapters: Ruth 2-3, 4:1-10, Proverbs 17, Romans 5:6-11. Please have students study their bible verses so they can tell it to me each week.