Letter to the Parents – 9/9/2016

Dear Parents,

We have had a fun and educational first week in Grade 5.
We have spent time going over our rules, routines, rewards and consequences.
In literacy we have begun Writer’s Workshop – these are lessons designed to improve their writing through examining other author’s work, discussing ideas, conferencing and writing. Each student has a Writer’s notebook and I encourage them to write in it as often as they like, as well as during our workshop sessions.
The best writers are avid readers … so I am also encouraging the class to READ,READ, READ 🙂  If they can read every evening for about 20 minutes their writing and grades will definitely improve – as will their love for books.
We have been looking at books by Roald Dahl this week.
Tuesday 13th September is ‘Roald Dahl Day’ , during the last lesson on that day we will celebrate with a Roald Dahl Birthday party – we will complete fun activities based on his books and eat a small snack.
Here are 3 questions you can ask your child over the weekend to compliment our learning in class –
1. What is a ‘jot page’ ?
2. Do you remember one made up word by the BFG ? Can you make up a new one together ?
3. Where do writers get ideas ?
Thank you for your cooperation in the education of your child,
If you have any questions please don’t hesitate to email me, or come chat with me.
Have a great weekend !

Brown Bag Activity

We spent some time getting to know each other a little better today. Each student brought in 5 items to reflect something about themselves. We enjoyed finding out more about each other and celebrating our differences and uniqueness !

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