Grade 3 information for the week.

Spelling words:

  1. curious
  2. trapping
  3. fainted
  4. promise
  5. extreme
  6. congratulations
  7. sincerely
  8. sorrow
  9. guarding
  10. hundred
  11. cruel
  12. announce
  13. stared
  14. triumph
  15. unique

Bible verse: 

Titus 3: 4-5  But when the kindness and love of God our Savior appeared, he saved us, not because of righteous things we had done, but because of his mercy

Math Test on Friday 30th Jan- topics include multiplication by 2, 4, 5, 10, 0 and 1. Knowledge of the terms commutative property, zero property and identity property of multiplication is required to answer some questions.

Science Test on Friday 30th Jan. The revision was covered last Friday 23rd Jan. Topics on the traits of vertebrates and invertebrates should be revised.

Homework for Monday 2nd Feb:- Maths homework practice workbook-pages 36 to 38.

Homework reminders

Spelling words:

  1. interested
  2. famous
  3. material
  4. radiant
  5. galloped
  6. budge
  7. nervous
  8. crickets
  9. we’re
  10. its
  11. it’s
  12. excitement
  13. humble
  14. dashed
  15. county

Bible verse: 2 Timothy 3:16-17  All scripture is God-breathed and is for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness, so that the servant of God may be thoroughly equipped for every good work.


HW: Read Chapters 14-15 .(pgs 105-117) Due on Wednesday 21 Jan.  

HW: Science text book-pages 148-149. Due on Friday 23rd Jan.

Maths Homework practice workbook- pages 32 to 33. Due on Friday 23rd Jan.

HW: Charlotte’s web booklet pgs 37-42. Due on Tuesday 27th Jan.

Homework for the week Jan 12-16.

Homework due on Friday 16th Jan, 2015

1. Spelling Test.

2. Read Chapters 7 and 8 in Charlotte’s web and answer comprehension questions on it.

Homework due on Monday 19th Jan, 2015

1. Charlotte’s Web booklet on Chapters 7 to 12.

2. Homework practice book- page 31

Grade 3 information for the week

SPELLING WORDS: (based on Chapters 7-12 of Charlotte’s Web)

  1. campaign
  2. thoughtful
  3. goslings
  4. Charlotte
  5. seized
  6. interrupt
  7. weave
  8. capture
  9. explosion
  10. unbearable
  11. miracle
  12. spider
  13. terrific
  14. tomorrow
  15. ordinary

Bible verse: 1 Timothy 1:17   Now to the King eternal, immortal, invisible, the only God, be honor and glory for ever and ever. Amen.

Reminder: Please ensure that your child arrives to school on time. They will be marked late if they arrive after 8:20am.

Homework for week Jan 5-9, 2015

Homework due on Tuesday 6th Jan:- Read Chapter 2 in Charlotte’s Web.

Homework due on Friday 9th Jan:- A)  Spelling words from Charlotte’s Web list

  1. pitcher
  2. injustice
  3. foolishness
  4. Wilbur
  5. enchanted
  6. brook
  7. appetite
  8. runt
  9. geese
  10. fierce
  11. mending
  12. pleasant
  13. beautiful
  14. gnawing
  15. cautious

B) Maths worksheet on connecting addition and multiplication.

Homework due on Monday 12th Jan:- Maths worksheet on Multiplication by 2 and 4.

N.B.  Math Test on subtraction on Monday 12th Jan. Scores will be recorded in reports for this term.

Bible verse: 2 Thess, 2: 16-17 May our Lord Jesus Christ and God our Father encourage your hearts and strengthen you in every good deed and word.

Christmas pics

Grade 3 students having some fun with their food art. They are budding artist as evident in their edible Christmas art 1 food art 2 food art 4 food art 5 food art 6 food art 7 food art 8 food art 9 food art foos art 3