Weekly Update – 30th April, 2021


This week we have completed the following –

Reading – we read an informational narrative on Bats and a magazine article on Dolphins and completed work on both.

Writing – the students enjoyed doing a ‘monster match’ with monster descriptions and drawings, we also used the 5 senses in writing and completed revised monster descriptions.

Grammar – the students continued to review grammar rules and this week our focus was adjectives.

Math – this week we have started our unit on Fractions – they have been studying parts of a whole and equivalent fractions.

Science – we continued on with looking at slow and fast changes to Earth and the students completed a demonstration to show how a glacier affects the surface of Earth.

Social Studies – as we completed our unit on Our Heritage – the students completed posters in groups to present all they have learned on Traditional Houses, Festivals and Traditions, Folksongs and Dances and National Heroes.


Homework for next week –

Spelling will be given as a worksheet on Monday.

Math and Grammar practice will be given as Terra Nova practice sheets.


Our Terra Nova tests will begin on Monday 10th May,