Dates to keep in mind and subject updates

Math Update

We were able to wrap up multiplication and division and start Geometry.Students are bringing home their math notebooks so you can assist in their revision for a final summative assessment in multiplication and division on Monday 3, June. They have stuck in their books the two quizzes we did and corrected as well as a Unit test with my feedback and their corrections. Please use this to revise. The test on Tuesday will have questions just like these.

In Geometry we looked at identifying and drawing a point, line, line segment, rays and angles and polygons with up to ten sides.

Science Update

Students worked in class on a project related to the water cycle. Their task was to create a mini booklet imagining that they are a water droplet moving through the processes of the water cycle. Some students were allowed to take it home on Thursday to complete it for Friday 31 May. However, some students may have been given an extension to complete it for Monday 3rd June.

There will be an assignment due on Friday 7 June. This will help prepare for an assessment in the week of June 11. Please let your child use the power point attached to help with the worksheet.


There will be a Science Field Trip on Thursday 6 June to the Consolidated Water Co. Please sign and return the Company’s waiver form that will be coming home today. We will leave at 9:00 am and return by 10:45 am for the latest.

Happy weekend!  Mrs. Seerattan

Literacy Update

This week we reviewed Capitalization and punctuation, students practiced using commas and quotation marks correctly in a sentence and writing capital letters where necessary. We continue to explore the topic of Informational Writing and students wrote pieces in class and received feedback. We spent time practicing vocabulary words. Students continue to carry out reading comprehension and practice using comprehension strategies. This week students listened to audio readings of the book we are presently reading in class and responded to questions both orally and in writing.


Monday June 3Oral book summary (graded)
Tuesday June 4Spelling test
Tuesday June 4Take your two new words to class
Thursday June 6Test – Capitalization and punctuation and 
writing book titles correctly.

Social Studies 

Students continue learning about The Government of the Cayman Islands. This week, students learned about other government systems that influence that of the Cayman Islands, such as that of the British – Her Majesty the Queen. Students began researching and writing their songs/poems which they will perform on June 11. 

Subject Updates – May 21-24

Math Update

The end of the school year is almost upon us. We have been robustly learning a variety of ways to multiply and divide numbers. All students should know their x 2, x 5 and x 10 fluently but I notice there are a few that are still struggling, Please work with your child on these. If your child knows all the times tables up to 12 then that is great. However, if not –then do not be dismayed as they have learnt a number of strategies to obtain the answer. They will eventually have to be fluent in all their timetables as they go up the grades.

Here are the strategies we did in class (except the strip diagram)

Science Update

We are focusing on sources of water and the water cycle. The students are required to know the processes involved and a description of what it is. We will be planning a field trip to a water treatment plant very soon so the students can have a real life experience of their learning.

Let your child use this link to revise and reinforce what was taught in class. If your child missed any lessons this week then this will be helpful. Link

Literacy Update

We are reading the book the Secret Garden, we continue to practice using reading strategies while reading: readjust reading rate, use context to determine meaning of unfamiliar words, decode multisyllabic words. Students also carried out comprehension; responding to questions about the chapters they have read from the Secret Garden. Students continue to practice to use comprehension strategies: drawing conclusions using the text as support, compare and contrast settings and characters by using a graphic organizer.  In Grammar we covered Capitalizing nouns, writing book titles correctly, using commas in a series and using quotation marks in dialogue. 

Reminders:    Tuesday May 28:- Spelling Test;  Take two new words to class                            Monday May 27:- Oral book summary

Social Studies

Students continue to learn about Cayman’s culture and how tradition influences modern time. We are presently exploring the topic of Government – what the Government of traditional Cayman was like, compared to now. 


Subjects Updates, TerraNova Schedule


We spent this week focusing on TerraNova practice for Literacy, Science and Math. For Literacy we spent a lot of time on the areas that some students have the most difficulty with: Possessive Nouns and Spelling. Students received practice work sheets, if you see where your child is having additional difficult, please highlight and send back the worksheets so more review can be done in the afternoon. In Math this week we looked at different strategies for solving division problems, fact families that link multiplication and division, identifying US coins and TerraNova practice. 

Grade Three TerraNova Schedule May 6th – 10th


Reading Part 1: 9:00 – 9:30

SNACK 9:30-9:45

Math Computation: 9:45-10:05

In-View Analogies: 10:15-10:25


Reading Part 2: 8:30 – 9:00

SNACK 9:00 – 9:15

Language Mechanics: 9:15 – 9:30

Brain Break 9:30-9:35

Bible: 9:35 – 10:00

Break: 10:00 – 10:05

Word Analysis: 10:05 – 10:20

Wait Time: 10:20-10:25


Math Part 1: 8:30-8:45

SNACK: 9:00-9:115

Science: 9:15-9:55

Break: 10:00-10:10

Vocabulary: 10:10-10:25

Break: 10:25-10:30

Spelling: 10:30-10:45


InView – Quantitate Reasoning: 8:30-9:00

SNACK: 9:00-9:15

Math Part 2: 9:15-10:10


InView Verbal Reasoning – Context: 8:30-8:50

SNACK: 9:00-9:15

Language: 9:15-9:50

Break: 9:50-10:00

InView Verbal Reasoning Words: 10:00-10:20

Break: 10:20-10:25

InView  Sequences: 10:25-10:40M

We don’t grow when something is easy. We grow when something is challenging.  Matt Swaby