3rd Grade Literacy and Social Studies


  • Test on Friday November 29th — Student will be given the review on Monday 25th.


This week the students will be focusing on Singular and Plural Nouns. They will distinguish between singular and plural nouns, form plural nouns by adding -s,  and proofread for incorrect singular and plural nouns.

Homework Due (29/11/2019): Pages 21&22 in English Workbook and writing prompt story worksheet.

Test (29/11/2019): What is Nouns and Proper & Common Nouns.

No Spelling Test This Week!


Social Studies:

This week the student will be looking into sea/ocean explorers. Their task is to understand and know the difference and similarities between Christopher Columbus and the Pilgrims.


Math and Science updates for the week of November 18, 2019

Hello Parents,

It was great having the opportunity to meet with you this week for parent conferences. Given the short week that we had, we were able to cover ways to check for reasonableness in addition and subtraction by estimation. Example if 345 +567 is given we can estimate what would be a reasonable answer by estimating to 300 +600 = 900 or 350 + 570.

The students also learnt to check their subtraction by adding.  See link


In Science we continue to look at types of adaptations and examples of each.


Homework was given in Math: pages 193-195


Remember to help you children learn their scripture verses. They have the sheet with the scripture verses in their blue folders. Also, look in their planners to make sure they are writing down their homework. We would like to see them take responsibility for their homework and depend less on the adults reminding them what to do. Please send portfolios back to school with your child. Have a great weekend.

Math and Science updates for the week of Nov. 11, 2019


Students have be learning to add and subtract using various strategies. They already have a strong foundation from Grade 2 and hence I was able to jump right in to using the place value strategy and use of the number line. They already know the column method. They can use any method that works best for them to solve problems but their Math standards require them to know various strategies.

Here are the strategies taught

  • Adding by Place Value – This method is where students calculate the partial sums, working with one place value at a time. In this strategy, it does not matter which place value students begin with. They can choose to start with the largest place value or the smallest place value. Some students prefer to add by place value method which allows them to write their work horizontally. Below is an example of how to solve a 3 digit addition problem using adding by place value:
Add one place-value at a time.
Write each partial sum next to the problem.
Then add all the partial sums to find the final sum.
Example: 825 + 243 = ________
Add the hundreds:  800 + 200 = 1,000
Add the tens: 30 + 40 = 70
Add the ones: 5 + 3 = 8
Add the partial sums: 1,000 + 70 + 8 = 1, 078
Use of a number line:
Students started learning about physical and behavioral adaptations. See link for extra practice
HOMEWORK due on Thursday 21 Nov. 2019
Science Fusion pages 124-125 and some students have to complete table with adaptations that we started in class. They are to use their Science Fusion workbook to do this.
Please sign up for parent conferences on Thursday 21 Nov. and Friday 22 Nov.
There will be half day on Thursday and no school on Friday in order to accommodate these Parent conferences.

Grade 3 Literacy and Social Studies


This week we will be concentrating on making sure every student is caught up in their various assignments. I will also be providing extra work to assist some students who might need it. Since this is the end of the quarter, my aim as the teacher is to assure that all my students understand what they are currently being taught, before they can move on to the next concept or unit. However, despite this being a week focus on reviewing and revisiting, there will still be a weekly spelling test on Friday, November 9th.  Parents please make the extra effort in assisting students with their spelling words.

Please keep encouraging students to read at least 15 minutes a day. Reading is important because is helps with mental processing, develops communication skills and disciplines and increase concentration.


Social Studies:

In Social Studies we will be starting Unit 3 in our text book. The students will be diving into the topic of Cayman’s Past and Present Industries. We will be covering Natural Resources, Renewable and Non-renewable Resources, and the various industries found in the Cayman island.

Math and Science updates for the week of October 28, 2019

Hello Parents and students,

It was great to have you back after mid-term and we took off as if we never stopped. I am grateful for the Grade 3 kids and their parents. You have made teaching you a joy and blessing for me. I trust that I will be able to add value to your lives as we move through the year.

The students have being working enthusiastically and with fervor on their ecosystems project. It was finished this week and they were assessed using a rubric. Here are some pics of the projects done. I will send some more pics via email as I do not have permission from all parents to post pics of their child on social media.

The Science Test will be broken up into 3 parts and will be given over the next week. Students were instructed to take their Science workbook/textbook home this weekend to revised focusing on the highlighted sections in the book.


We have been working on collecting, organizing, reading and interpreting pictographs and bar graphs. A worksheet mini booklet was sent home as homework and is due on Friday 8 November, 2019. An assessment on pictographs and bar graphs will be given on Friday 8 Nov, 2019 as we will be practicing and developing graph skills during the week.

Have a blessed week.