Weekly Update – 30th April, 2021


This week we have completed the following –

Reading – we read an informational narrative on Bats and a magazine article on Dolphins and completed work on both.

Writing – the students enjoyed doing a ‘monster match’ with monster descriptions and drawings, we also used the 5 senses in writing and completed revised monster descriptions.

Grammar – the students continued to review grammar rules and this week our focus was adjectives.

Math – this week we have started our unit on Fractions – they have been studying parts of a whole and equivalent fractions.

Science – we continued on with looking at slow and fast changes to Earth and the students completed a demonstration to show how a glacier affects the surface of Earth.

Social Studies – as we completed our unit on Our Heritage – the students completed posters in groups to present all they have learned on Traditional Houses, Festivals and Traditions, Folksongs and Dances and National Heroes.


Homework for next week –

Spelling will be given as a worksheet on Monday.

Math and Grammar practice will be given as Terra Nova practice sheets.


Our Terra Nova tests will begin on Monday 10th May,


Grade 3 Weekly Updates

Grade 3 parents look out for the weekly email – coming your way every Friday.

This will include details of what we are learning in class, any upcoming activities and the homework for the following week.

Math homework will be given weekly – Monday and Thursday as a worksheet.

Grammar homework will be given on Seesaw – Tuesday and Wednesday,

Spelling workbook pages will be given on a Monday – the spelling test is every Friday.