Science Experiment

We can't wait to see how our seeds will grow!
We can't wait to see if our seeds will grow!


In science we are experimenting with seeds this week! We started last week with the following supplies:

1.   One ziplock bag

2.   One package of seeds

3.   3 paper towels

We placed our seeds in the window (a light spot) and on the white board (dark spot). We PREDICTED what we thought might happen. Our guess was:

“Bags on the window will grow faster because they are by the light better.”

We are checking our bags every day and measuring our seeds with a ruler to see how much they have grown, if any. When we came back from the weekend we found a surprise!!! Stay tuned to see what happens to our seeds!

Homework 1.10-5.10

Monday: Spelling: Workbook p. 9-11 AND Tic-Tac-Toe (REMINDER: Spelling homework is ALWAYS due Friday, unless otherwise noted)

Tuesday: Science: No Homework. Please take tonight to practice Bible verse, Spelling words, or study for your math test! 🙂 NOTE: TONIGHT IS OPEN HOUSE 6:00-7:30pm!!

Wednesday: Math: Workbook p 25, 28, 32 Addition Properties, Estimate/Exact

Thursday: Grammar: Workbook p 11-12 The Predicate of a Sentence

Spelling Words 1.10-5.10

Plurals –s, -es

1.    ants

2.    toys

3.    flies

4.    things

5.    boxes

6.    games

7.    lines

8.    rocks

9.    wishes

10.                       ladies

11.                       dishes

12.                       babies

13.                       bushes

14.                       glasses

15.                       puppies

Homework 24/9-28/9

Monday: Spelling: Workbook p. 9-11 AND Tic-Tac-Toe (REMINDER: spelling homework is ALWAYS due Friday, unless otherwise noted)

Tuesday: Science: No Homework. Please take tonight to practice Bible verse, Spelling words, or study for your math test! 🙂

Wednesday: Math: Workbook p 23-24 Value of Coins and Bills NOTE: There will be a math test on Friday. We will do a review in class Wednesday and Thursday. Please feel free to study with your student at home. It will cover Chapter 1. 🙂

Thursday: Grammar: Workbook p 9-10 The Subject of a Sentence

Changes for Spelling Homework

Grade 3 students were given a new change for Spelling homework. Starting this week, spelling homework will consist of the workbook AND the Tic-Tac-Toe worksheet. Reminder: this is due Friday. Attached to the Tic-Tac-Toe worksheet is a page of examples for each box. 🙂

Bible Verse:

Jesus replied: “Love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your mind.” Matthew 22:37

September 10-14

Monday: Spelling:Workbook p 3-5

Tuesday: SocialStudies: Workbook p 8,11

Wednesday: Math:Reteach Workbook p 1,3,5,7,8

Thursday: Grammar: Workbook p 5-6 (PLEASE NOTE: pg 6 students are to make up their own question/statement that the person in the marching band would say. ALSO, they ARE to do the letter to a friend, you can find the directions on the bottom of pg 6) STUDY SPELLING WORDS AND BIBLE VERSE! 🙂

Grade 3 2012/2013


I am trying my best to get this blog up to date, and I am hoping this post finds our page! 🙂

We are already full swing into the school year! These past two weeks have been full of fun, getting to know each other, learning new routines, having fire drills, soccer practices, oh, and of course learning!! 🙂

I am so proud of Grade 3 and all the work and progress they are showing me so far! I am looking forward to this year and everything we get to learn and experience together.

I am hoping this blog will serve to answer your questions, update you on homework, and inform you about any events going on.

Welcome to Grade 3!


Mrs. Rodgers

Last week of school!

Well here’s the last post for the 2011-2012 year! There’s no homework this week in celebration of the end of the year.  However, I will be handing out a pamphlet of suggestions for summer homework to help stop the “summer brain drain.” Children will also be taking home their workbooks, stationery and any work they have on the walls.  Can each child please bring in at least 2 cloth supermarket bags so they can carry their items home. Also a reminder about our field trip tomorrow.  Hopefully the rain will subside for us.  If it looks too dangerous to be out in, we’ll have a celebration inside the class with games, movies and I can order some pizza etc since they have paid for lunch.  I’ll sort out any necessary refunds too.  But please have your child bring their bathing suit, towel etc. for the field trip tomorrow as a decision will only be made by 8:30am.  Also please note they we will now be leaving Turtle Farm at 1:30pm rather than 12:30pm due to Kindergarten, Grade 1 and Grade 3 sharing a bus.Thanks parents for your help and participation this year.  I hope you all have a well deserved and restful summer.Best wishes,Jenny Hurst