Letter to the Parents – 13/03/2015

Dear Parents,

Another fun week in Grade 5 !
I have put photos of Reading Week and Sports Day on the blog if you would like to check them out !
We have started Algebra in Numeracy, the students are going to stick a list of learning goals in to their Math books on Monday, so you will be able to see exactly what we cover in this chapter. The students then have a list of things to revise when it is test time.
In literacy we are back to Storytown, as well as working on their Tuck Everlasting projects. The projects are due on the 23rd March, but anyone that wants to enter the George Town Library reading competition can bring in their project by the 19th. For this project they have received a list with a lot of ideas and they are to choose some of the options – enough to make 10 points.
Next week we will be preparing for the Math Snap Fair and starting to review concepts for the Terra Nova tests at the end of April.
Have a wonderful weekend !