Letter to the Parents – 6/11/2015

Dear Parents,
Happy Friday – have a wonderful long weekend !
In literacy this week we have continued with ‘Fish in a Tree’ and are examining the characters and how Ally – the main character is growing and developing throughout the novel.
We have also being getting to grips with prepositional phrases, here is a video you can watch with your child –
In numeracy we are continuing on with the chapter on Data – frequency graphs, double bar graphs and how to use scale and interval.
We have started a new chapter on the Properties of Matter in Science.
I have put a reading log in each child’s agenda, I would like them to start filling this in over the weekend – it is a way to encourage them to read every day. 20 minutes a day is a great goal !
Here are some questions you can ask your child to help reinforce our learning  –
1. How has Ally changed during the novel ?
2. Explain what the atoms look like within a solid, liquid and gas.
3. What are some prepositions ?
Thank you as always for your support !