Letter to the Parents – 5/2/2016

Dear Grade 5 Parents,

We have had a fun and productive week in Grade 5. In literacy we have been studying our class novel – Tuck Everlasting. It is important for the next few weeks the students study , not only how to spell their spelling words, but also what they mean.
In numeracy we are working on division. They are doing really well tackling the , always dreaded, double digit division 🙂
Over mid term break your child should please complete the following –
Math page on division
Read Chapter 19 & 20 of Tuck Everlasting and write a summary.
The language Terra Nova study packet.
On Friday 19th January we are having Sports Day at the Truman Bodden Sports Complex – the cost is $5 – which includes the bus fare and snack.
Grade 5 needs to wear P.E shirts and a BLUE top. Each child has a permission sip in their bag, please return on Monday 15th Feb.
Have a wonderful mid term break,
Thank you as always for your continued cooperation in the education of your child !