Letter to the Parents 23/9/2016

Dear Parents,

It is Friday once again and the end of a busy, fun and hardworking week in Grade 5.
In Writing the students have been studying types of sentences, subjects and predicates. They are also drafting and revising a personal narrative, this needs to be completed over the weekend.
In Writer’s Workshop we started some ‘revolting rhymes’, we are having fun with rhyming ! A few entries will be entered into a Camana Bay competition at the end of next week.
I am encouraging each child to read every day and students are already earning some AR points. Great Job Grade 5 🙂
In Social Studies we have examined where early settlers in the Cayman Islands came from and also where our own families are from, in an interesting map study.
Here are 3 questions if you would like to chat with your child over the weekend about what they are learning –
1. What is your personal narrative about ? Do you have a conflict and a resolution?
2. Where did the early settlers come from ?
3. What is an imperative sentence ?
Thank you as always for your cooperation in the education of your child.