Letter to the Parents – 30/9/2016

Dear Parents,

Happy Friday … so democracy has spoken in the Grade 5 room and after a close vote … our choice for International Night is  SPAIN !
If any parents are available next Friday (7th Oct ) at 3pm , I will hold a brief meeting in my classroom for those wonderful parents who are willing to help. We can come up with a plan for decorations and food etc.
Now on to our academics 🙂
This week in Literacy the students have been reading and critiquing an autobiography. We have also discussed and viewed a biography. The first writing project for Grade 5 has been given out today and is due on the 19th October. This is a biography of a Remarkable person – research, two pages typed and a shoe box ( or other type of visual) diorama to depict the person’s life and valuable contributions to society. I have handed out project sheets and I will also put the information on the blog.
In grammar the students have reviewed complete and simple subjects and predicates.
In Social Studies we had an interesting lesson on slavery and emancipation – the students were really engaged and participated well in the discussion.
For behaviour we have been highlighting ‘kind words’ – please chat with your child about how important is it to treat people kindly – ‘ “Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.” This is the first and greatest commandment. And the second is like it :”Love your neighbour as yourself.” ‘ Matthew 22 : 37 – 38.
Here are some questions if you would like to discuss them with your child over the weekend –
1.Who do you think is a remarkable person and why ?
2. What is a simple predicate – give an example in a sentence.
3. What was life like for the slaves brought over to the Caribbean by boat in the 18th Century ?
Many Thanks as always for your cooperation in the education of your child.