Letter to the Parents – 11/11/2016

Dear Parents,

In Literacy this week we have finished our Global Read Aloud novel – Pax. The students have made notes on the characters, important quotes and have written journal entries as Peter. I have given them a book report assignment today ( I will also put a copy on the blog ). This book report is due on Friday 25th November. There is a rubric included – which we went over in class – so the students understand what they need to include.
International Night –
A big thank you to the parents that have sent in $15 to give to Ms Sharon for the food – we are going to have a huge Paella.
Please let us know if you are able to help with decorations and set up next Friday afternoon from about 1pm onwards.
The boys are going to wear black trousers and a plain black tshirt or shirt.
The girls have their dresses already. THANK YOU MS SHARON !
Can any parent pick up red material this weekend ? We want to tie a band of red around each boy’s waist. THANK YOU !
Lastly WELL DONE to Wade for being a first place winner in the ‘Revolting Rhymes’ competition . I have put a clip on the blog of his Daybreak appearance.
Here are 3 questions if you would like to chat with your child over the weekend about what we are studying in class –
1. What did you think of the ending of the novel Pax ?
2. What is one thing you have learned about Spain ?
3. What do you put on the end of a noun ending in s, x, ch or sh, to make it plural ? What about a noun ending in vowel and y ?
Have a wonderful long weekend,
Relax and enjoy – See you Tuesday.