Weekly Update 14/6

Dear Grade 5 ,

Happy Friday! And a special Father’s Day blessing to all the dads.

Today is Summer’s last day .. we are really going to miss her and wish her and the family all the best for the future.

Upcoming dates –

June 18 Summer Concert at 6:30 pm. Students will be meeting in their classrooms and are to wear jeans and a white top. Ms Kathy has emailed with details of what to bring for our fellowship afterwards.

June 25 Award Ceremony 6:30 p.m.  A certificate of completion will be given to every child. Awards will also be given for Honour Roll, Technology, Music, Physical Education, and Citizenship.

June 27 Class party – students will sign up for what they want to bring in and we will have games and electronics allowed on this day.

June 28 Last day of School.  Dismissal is at 11:45.

Reading Challenge: I am so proud of the Grade 5 students who have been reading 40 books this year – and those that have completed A/R points and have raised their reading scores.

A/R is a wonderful programme and we are so thankful for Ms Sandra and all she does to help promote this.  

Thank you to all who have turned in their book reports –wonderful job – students will be given an opportunity today to present these in class.