Science: Sound Project – DIY recyclable Instruments

Quarter 3 Science Project: DIY Recyclable Instruments

This quarter in Science students are learning about sound. Sound produces sound waves which is energy transfer through vibration. Students will learn how sound travels and what substances allow for quicker or slower travel. They will also learn how through vibrations some objects produce a pitch and the vibration can cause a lower or higher pitch.

Students will complete a project on producing two different types of pitches, by designing and creating an instrument! 

What: Create an instrument of recyclable materials, that can produce at least TWO different pitches.

DUE: Friday, 20th March


  • Create a design – include changes or adaptions and materials
  • Write up: Answer the following questions and areas in your write up
    1. What is a pitch?
    2. What is a sound?
    3. How are pitch and sound created?
    4. What is a sound wave?
    5. Is energy being transferred in sound?
    6. What materials did you use?
    7. Which were un/successful and why?
    8. How is the pitches created in your instrument different than others? (Example: a drum and a guitar)
  • Presentation: Share the process and demonstrate the pitches your instrument can produce
  • Design: used from recyclable material and produces two different pitches (Example: low and high)


Sound Project_Rubric


Examples:  – DIY instruments – DIY instruments – DIY instruments

Weekly Homework and Objectives: March 2 – 6th

Welcome back! We hope you enjoyed the week off and had a chance for some rest. (:


Reading – in Reading this week we will begin our new class novel – My Side of The Mountain by Jean Craighead George. This book is full of adventure and survival.

Grammar – Students will learn about abbreviations and titles.

Writing – this week students will complete their draft copy of their chosen Persuasive writing essay.


This week we will be reviewing our skills in fractions with unlike denominators, adding and subtracting mixed numbers, and applying those in word problems, so to be prepared for their test this Friday. Different ways to study is practice problems or fractions games found on the ‘Numeracy Resources’ post. Students can also watch videos and complete the practice problems in the video.


This week we will experiment with static electricity and electromagnets. Students will discover objects that do or don’t produce static electricity and how we use electromagnets today.

  • There will be a comprehensive test on Electricity next Wednesday on these topics: Conductors and Insulators, Circuits, Static Electricity, and Electromagnets!

Social Studies

Students will continue on with learning about the past industries of the Cayman Islands – including Turtling and Ship Building. We will also complete the work on map grids.

Secret Phrase: ‘Electricity test next Wednesday’ Say to Mrs. Jorge by Wednesday! 


On Tuesday students will have a Bible test on Samuel. We will then begin to study the life of Saul.

  • 5A students have until next Friday to catch up on Bible Verses if they are behind.

Current Weekly Verse 

For the Son of Man came to seek and save those who are lost. – Luke 19:10 

Homework and Tests


  • On Friday students will complete an Oral Presentation on their Mid Term Break – this week they can prepare for this by writing out notes at home and practicing giving a short speech on this topic.

Tuesday – Grammar Pg 98

Thursday – Pg 100

Friday they will complete a Spelling Test on the 10 Spelling and Vocabulary words from our novel.

Numeracy and Science

Monday – Incomplete or missing assignments (Numeracy or Science), Due Wednesday. If caught up, Mathletics.

Tuesday – Same, if caught up Mathletics task.

Wednesday – Mixed Fractions Review *Update: Some students will move on to multiplying and simplifying fractions or continuing with mixed fractions depending on the area they feel they needed review or a challenge. 

Thursday – Word Problems, adding and subtracting with unlike denominators and mixed numbers

Friday – Math test!

Next Wednesday, Science Electricity comprehensive test. 

Upcoming Events!

  1. Wednesday – Girls Playoff’s game for Basketball! – Away game. Coach Kring will follow up with information
  2. Friday –  is Dress Down and Fruity Friday
  3. Thursday and Friday, March 12th-13th – Interprimary Sports Day
  4. Friday, 20th March – 1/2 day for Professional Development