Homework 28-31 January

Tuesday – Study for Science Test tomorrow.   Complete review and test preparation for Chapter 8 textbook p361.  Children may also start on their Spelling Homework, workbook p51-53.  Spelling work is due Thursday.

WednesdayMath.  Dividing by 2.  Page 48 from the Math workbook.

Thursday – Complete reading chapter 10 and 11 of The Boxcar Children and answer the comprehension questions.  Most of this should have been completed in class today.

Please bring a USB pen to school for Friday.  Children will be asked to save their Adventure writing work, which they have started in class, onto the USB pen.  Children need to complete writing their story by Monday.  This is second draft work.  Their first draft is in their composition book.  I have made markings in their first draft of where they are expected to make changes.  Can I ask that the children do their own typing as I wish to mark their second draft based on their own work.  This second draft must be completed by Monday, 3 February.  I will print their work from school and then the children will make any final changes before publishing their work on Tuesday and Thursday of next week.