Math and Science updates for the week of October 28, 2019

Hello Parents and students,

It was great to have you back after mid-term and we took off as if we never stopped. I am grateful for the Grade 3 kids and their parents. You have made teaching you a joy and blessing for me. I trust that I will be able to add value to your lives as we move through the year.

The students have being working enthusiastically and with fervor on their ecosystems project. It was finished this week and they were assessed using a rubric. Here are some pics of the projects done. I will send some more pics via email as I do not have permission from all parents to post pics of their child on social media.

The Science Test will be broken up into 3 parts and will be given over the next week. Students were instructed to take their Science workbook/textbook home this weekend to revised focusing on the highlighted sections in the book.


We have been working on collecting, organizing, reading and interpreting pictographs and bar graphs. A worksheet mini booklet was sent home as homework and is due on Friday 8 November, 2019. An assessment on pictographs and bar graphs will be given on Friday 8 Nov, 2019 as we will be practicing and developing graph skills during the week.

Have a blessed week.