Weekly Update

Inquiry – We start our new Inquiry unit.  Our big overarching question is, What does it mean to be Caymanian?  As well as getting a better understanding and appreciation for Caymanian culture, we will also be “travelling” to other countries to learn about their culture.  Each child has been issued with a “passport” to record their journey’s.  Also for homework this week, children have been asked to look into their family history and identify customs/traditions that are important to their family. Mathematics – We start our Measurement unit this week.  Each week we will take a different area of measurement to explore e.g. length, weight, capactiy and time.  This week we focus on length using both feet and inches and cm and m.Writing – This week we finish writing our first Folk Tale based story using the tale of The Fox and the Stork as a model.  We will begin to analyse the tale of The Three Wishes.  A focus will be made on writing a sequence of events which includes a build up and conflict.  We will also look at how a story can tell a moral.Reading – This week’s comprehension focus is identifying fact from opinion.