Weekly Update

Inquiry (Homework assignment) – Each child has been given a specific continent to learn more about.  The assignment requires children to use an atlas, plot points using co-ordinates and find out facts about that continent.  Each child has been given a booklet to complete.  This is due Friday, 11 December.Math – We extend our understanding of length to now explore how a perimeter of an object can be measured.Literacy – We begin to read and analyse a variety of Christmas themed stories.  We also finish writing our Folk Tale story based on The Three Wishes.Important Dates to remember:

  • Tag Rugby Festival on Wednesday, December 9.
  • Class Christmas Party Thursday, December 10 from 1:30 – 2:30pm.  We would appreciate it if each child brought one of their favorite Christmas foods to share.  An invitation is also extend to all parents of children in Grade 3.