Last weekly update for 2009/2010 academic year!

We’re into the last few days of the school year!  We had an amazing end of year field trip at Dolphin Discovery on Monday!  Kappy, the dolphin entertained us with jumps, tricks and came and gave us kisses.  Each child got to take home a photo of them and the dolphin.Here are some helpful things to remember for this last week:

  • All textbooks that may be home must be returned to class.
  • Children will be taking all their workbooks etc. home so please have them bring an empty backpack or plastic bags to help carry their stuff home.
  • Please come out to our whole school awards ceremony this Thursday starting at 8:30am.  Every child will be given an award for their specific achievement during the year.
  • Last school day for the year is Thursday 24th of June and it will be a half day. 

May you all have a wonderful, restful and enjoyable summer.  We look forward to seeing you back at FBCS for the start of the next school year!